Chapter 3 - Bathroom Party

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After that whole mega awkward experience this morning; you decide to go down stairs with Feliciano into the kitchen to get something to eat. As you both walked down the stairs you intensely studied the craftsmanship of the wooden staircase's handrails with your hand wrapping around every detailed hole and bump. You took in your surroundings even more, last night you never noticed how beautiful the whole building was, escaping seemed to be your only thought then, but now you were a little more eager to learn about these strangers. As you sat down in the kitchen, you looked around, it was open planned; so the living room and kitchen were connected. Romano seemed to be content sitting in the same seat as last night, but now he was at peace with a book in his hands.

Francis: walking over to you and Feliciano wearing an apron and smiling
Bonjour! Shall I cook you both breakfast? (He winked at you)

Feliciano: grinning and excitedly clapping his hands
Grazie (thank you) Francis!

You: narrowing your eyes
What, you gonna spike mine?

Feliciano: shocked and looking at you
____! Why a~would you a~say a~that a?

Francis's smile disappeared, he looked down. His passionate eyes faded, filling with pain.

You: getting up and giving him a hug
I'm sorry. I didn't know that would offend you.

He lifted his head and smiled at you in his arms.

Francis: sighed
Madame, votre belle. (Ma'am, your beautiful) (enthusiastically smiling) okay, I will make you both a délicieux (delicious) meal.

He set strait away to work, not waiting for anyone to respond. You turned your attention over to Romano, he looked up from his book and you both made eye contact. You turned back around and looked over at Feliciano trying to hide your blush.

*knock, knock*

Feliciano sprung up from his seat and pranced over to the front door. There stood a tall, bulky man with slicked back blonde hair and blue eyes.

Feliciano: jumping onto the man, grabbing his neck yelling from excitement

You: thinking to yourself
Did he just call that man Germany? Like the country Germany? I sure hope that isn't his real name, that would be kinda embarrassing.

You then noticed Francis and Romano staring at Felicano like they just saw a ghost. Their pale faces meet with your awfully confused one. You just sat there gazing over at the door, not noticing the pair staring at you.

Germany: putting Feliciano back on the ground
Alvight, alvight. I'm happy to see jou too Italy.

You: thinking
Oh. Feliciano called him Germany cause he talks with a strong German accent. Wait! Did he call Feliciano Italy? Aww that's cute, they have nicknames for each other based on their nationality, they must be close friends.

You got out of your seat, and begin walking over to the door to greet the stranger. Francis and Romano intensely eyeballed you as you walked over to the door, they made silent prays, hoping that you didn't hear what the two said.

You: cheerfully
Hello! I'm ____.

Germany: staring down at the foolishly grinning Italian
I vam Ludwig.

Do you have any relation to Gilbert? I haven't really meet too many Germans before.

Ja. Gilbert is my older bruder. (Brother)

Feliciano: hugging you
Bella~is a~nice a~ragazza! (Girl)

You walk away from the door and gesture to both of them to come and join you in the kitchen.

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