Chapter 26 - Planning to fake death

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You walked into a richly decorated parlour with an endless amount of old books filling up the antique bookshelves; you skimmed over the book spins and noticed that the majority of them were written in Romanian. Vladimir gestured to you to take a seat at a small round wooden table as he carried over two crystal glasses and a half filled rum bottle.

You: looking at the alcohol
I don't drink.

Vladimir: only filling up his glass
Understood, may I interest you in something else; water, juice?

You: slightly tilting your head and softly smirking
You don't happen to have (juice flavour)?

Vladimir: walking over to a Mini bar
Your in luck, I had a strange feeling just a few days ago that I had to buy some, now I know why.

You smiled and thanked him as he poured you the beverage, before he took a seat and a quick swig from the crystal glass.

You: taking a quick sip from your drink
Okay, let's get down to business; how are we going to stop this crisis?

Vladimir: frowning down at his glass
The only way I can see this ending 'peacefully' is if you were to tell everyone to ignore you, so you can return back to Italy... (Rubbing his chin) But you two wouldn't be able to stay together for long, due to most nations are greedy and only think with their --

He stopped himself and cleared his throat with a sip of rum; you could tell strait away what he was going to say and we're thankful that he stopped himself.

You: giggling and sipping from your drink
Yeah! Seems like that is all men ever think with.... (Widening your eyes and looking at the blushing Romanian) Sorry! Forgot I was talking with a guy! I'm sure guys aren't always like that!

Romania: snickering
I don't know, I have caught myself letting my mind wonder too much a few times.

You: smiling
Your such a nice guy, I bet your girlfriend loves living here with you.

Romania: depressed
I'm sure if I did have one... She would...

You: putting your hand on his hand
I'm sorry, I just thought you had one sense you seem like such a great person...

He weakly smiled at you and looked down; an awkward silence filled the parlour and you felt terrible about what you said, so you decided to admit something to him.

You: slowly swirling your juice
Romano was the first person I ever kissed... He is actually the first guy who I ever really had a 'thing' for, that's why I was so afraid to invest my time in him and further our relationship... But now I know I don't need to be afraid, cause he is just as afraid of it as me; but not having each other is the most terrifying thing of all...

Vladimir: sighing
Dragă (darling) you didn't have to admit such a personal thing to me, I've always been lonely...

You: rubbing his hand
(A) I needed to tell you that and (B) your never alone, I'm always her for you Vlad; even when you don't want me to (cheekily grinning)

Vladimir: smiling
I completely adore your company, even when your smacking me with a wooden rolling pin at a Brit's house!

You both shared the moment filled with genuine laughter; Vladimir then slowly remembered the issue at hand and began thinking of ways to stop the beginnings of a global downfall before it becomes out of hand. He quickly stood up and told you to stay seated for a minute as he retrieved a few old books and an odd plant. You were puzzled at the plant, but returned your attention back on Vladimir.

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