Chapter 7 - You get trained? Nordic Style?

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You trailed behind the 5 brothers in a forest, struggling through the snow which came up almost halfway between your foot to knees. You didn't have anything over your legs but stockings and flat slip on shoes that just covered the soul of your foot and sides. The snow just continued to freeze onto your stockings, causing you to brush away the ice every few minutes or you would feel the cold burning at your skin. The brothers were easily trudging their way through the snow; as they all had long snow-proof pants and or knee high winter boots. However you were thankful that there was no blizzards or chilly wind blowing; it was a calm winter's day with snow covering the pine trees and ground. The Nordics stopped at a clearing just outside the forest you all walked through; you where only a few steps behind them, so you dashed over as fast as possible in the snow; not wanting to be dead weight. Once you joined the brothers they dropped the weapons, walking over back to the forest and dragging out haystacks that had painted targets on them. You stood there and inspected the area; bullet holes and large chunks missing from trees made your eyes widen and gasp before you managed to cover your mouth. Lukas walked back over to you and watched the rest setting up the targets; he had a neutral facial expression upon look his face and didn't make any eye contact with you.

Lukas: monotone voice watching the others
Rifle or axe practice first?

You: looking at the seemingly bored blonde
Excuse me?

He turned around and starred at you with the same facial expression, about to open up his mouth, but Mathias walked up and placed his arm around Lukas's shoulder smiling.

Mathias: chuckling
Elsker (love), Norge asked if you wanna try using an axe or a rifle first. (His eyes lighting up with excitement) Your going to choose axes first right!?!

Before you could answer, the rest of the brothers finished setting up and gathered around to see what is going on. Berwald looked down at your legs and sighed at the sight of you crossing your legs and rubbing them together.

Berwald: looking at Mathias
_____ doesn't have any boots.

They all looked down at your legs and then up at Mathias who was scratching his head, trying to remember where he placed the boots they had ready for you. You felt a tap on your shoulder and looked around to see Emil holding his white laced up knee high boots up at you, while he was standing in the snow with socks on his feet

You: looking at him and smiling
It's fine Emil. I will be okay without boots.

Everyone looked over at both of you.

Emil: putting his boots in your hands
We can trade. You wear my boots and I will wear your shoes, since my pants will cover my legs up to my ankles.

You sighed at his kind generosity and slipped your shoes off and handed them to Emil. You put on Emil's boots on and laced them up tightly; they fitted you perfectly and meet just at the end off your dress, so now your legs were all warm and no ice could stick onto your stockings. You turned around and saw your shoes also fitted Emil well, he was right about his pants being long enough to cover his ankles; however you noticed that Mathias was laughing at Emil for wearing 'girl' shoes, so you sent him a nasty look that made him hide behind the neutral faced Lukas.

Tino: picking up a rifle
____, do you want to give a rifle a go?

Mathias: grabbed an axe and slid his arm around your shoulder
Elsker (love) said she wanted to try a Viking toy with the King first!

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