Chapter 25 - Magic Trio plus one

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*Knock, Knock*

You lifted your head off your pillow and looked over at your closed bedroom door.

Arthur: behind the door
Love, are you decent? I'm here to talk to you.

You: sitting up in your bed
Yes, come in...

The door swung open and Arthur and Matthew walked in looking at you, Matthew seemed sad.

You: slowly dismounting your bed
Matthew, Arthur, whats happened?

Arthur: reassuring you
Nothing major love, just Matthew thought you would be safer in England after the whole drugged waffles event.

You: walking over
Belgium meant well, no one got hurt, she just wanted to talk with me in private.

Arthur: putting his hand on your shoulder
I know love, but she could have used a different approach, besides there are people out there who now know your here and they ain't the nicest...

Matthew: looking down
W-we don't want anyone to hurt you ____.

You stepped over towards Matthew and wrapped your arms around him.

You: patting his head
Will you come and visit me in England then?

Matthew: hugging you
I promise I will later this week.

You: pulling away and wiping a tear off his cheek
Good. (Sighing) okay, so when do I leave?

Arthur: opening the door and cringing
Now is best love; Francis is still down stairs and pulling roses out from only God knows where.

You nodded your head and the three of you made your way out of the guest bedroom.


Arthur hastily turned the key in the lock and opened up the door gesturing to you to quickly enter the house and escape England's rain. You pulled off a rain coat and hung it on a clothes rack; you looked up and admired the small little town house's interior.

You: looking around
Charming place you have here.

Arthur: closing the door and hanging up his rain jacket
Thank you love, it's only a humble three bedroom town house, but that's all I really need, plus it is in London which makes it perfect for me. Please make yourself at home, I just need to use the restroom for a tick.

You nodded your head and let him wonder away towards the bathroom. You adventured around and found the kitchen, but as soon as you entered there was someone seated at the kitchen bench with a newspaper up; they didn't seem to have noticed your presents so you reached over for a rolling pin at the ready in case they were a thief.

You: straitening your posture and aggressively gripping the rolling pin while talking in a threatening tone
What do you think your doing!?!

The person lowered the news paper and planted their mysterious red eyes on your (e/c) eyes causing you to feel rather uncomfortable, but only causing you to act more defensive. The man had shaggy strawberry blonde hair and wore a little black top hat with a red and yellow ribbons streaming out, which was placed on the left side of his head. He leaned over the bench placing his elbows on it creating a perch with his hands to rest his chin and smiled revealing small fangs.

Vladimir: friendly smiling
Hello dragă, (darling) I'm Vladimir. Is Arthur home?

You: calming down
You know Arthur?

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