Chapter 11 - But I wanna see Tokyo

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You stretched out your arms, taking in the soft and fresh feeling sheets. You rubbed your eyes while curled up on your side and released a soft yawn. Your ears perked up as you hear shoes pacing towards you, making you slowly open your eyes and glance over to your side. There stood a man with neat black hair, full dark brown eyes and well dressed in a white uniform with gold accents. He stood only a few feet from the bed you were lying in, watched you with respectful eyes and a softly smiled.

Kiku: bowing
Kon'nichiwa (hello), I am Kiku.

You: sitting up in your bed, confused
Hey... Um... I'm _____.

Kiku: smiling
Welcome to Japan _____.

You: your eyes widening
I'm in what country now!?!

I see you are a little shocked. I completely apologies for getting my friend Turkey kidnap you...But America was right, you are kireina (beautiful) and kawaii.

Okay, only one of those words I understand. Wait! (Narrowing your eyes) you... Had your friend.... KIDNAP ME! LIKE WHAT THE H--

Kiku: leaving your bedside and walking out of the room
Please come and join me later once you are all calm and there are some other clothes in the closet over there. Sayōnara (goodbye)

As soon as he closed the door you climbed out of the really comfortable bed and made contact with a window that took up a whole wall. You pulled the blinds up and were greeted by the sight of daylight shinning down on Tokyo. You released little squeals and pranced around the room acting like you just won the lottery. Then you remembered that Kiku said that there was clothes for you, your ran over to the closet and yanked at the doors pulling it open to reveal all its content. Colourful ruffled dresses, bows, short skirts, large sweaters, ranges of boots, printed pants and a non ending list of everything modern Japanese cliché.

You: digging through the closet and scoffing sarcastically
Oh goodie, I'm gonna be the biggest weeaboo EVER! (Narrowing eyes) come on, at least something I can't drown from cuteness in.

You continued shuffling through all these clothes, but nothing really seemed practical or normal. Then you locked eyes with (outfit of your choice) and pulled it out to get a better view of the promising outfit.

You: smiling
YOU LITTLE BEAUTY! HAHA! Haven't disappointed me yet Japan!

As you laid down the (outfit of your choice) and almost began to undress, your eyes noticed a little camera in the corner of the room. You grabbed a chair and dragged it up with you to the corner so you could get a better view.

You: frowning into the camera
You little secret per--

You stopped yourself and then smiled into the camera.

You: smirking
Soo, you want a show, eh?

You jumped down from the chair and ran over to a table that had writing stationary; you began to write something on a piece of paper and grabbed a little bit of sticky tape. You then left the table and ran back over to the chair, climbed it and stuck the paper over the camera's lens.

Your note: written neatly in black pen with a heart down the bottom
Dear Kiku-
I strongly recommend that you say goodbye to all those you care about; cause once I'm dressed, I will lay my hands on the nearest Death Note... I trust you know what comes next.

~ Yours truly, a very furious butt kicker

You then got down and put the outfit on, feeling very happy with what you just achieve; however while you were getting dressed you could have sworn that you heard the cry of a very sad Japanese man. As you walked towards the bedroom door you heard more yelling and crying coming from Kiku, so you put your head up against the door and listened in.

Kiku: yelling
Nokoshimasu (leave) Russia! Monsutā! (monster)

Ivan: his hand on the door
She is here da?

NO! Īe! (no)

Russia pulled open the door, there you made eye contact with a tall bulky man that had light blonde hair and dark blue eyes. You noticed that Kiku was standing behind the man with a terrified expression on his face and running in front of you.

Kiku: standing in front of you, with his arms blocking the door frame and yelling

The Russian man walked closer, scaring Kiku away and bent down so he was on your level.

Ivan: creepily smiling
I am Ivan da.

You: feeling intimidated

The Russian man tilted his head closer to you, put his hand behind your head and squeezed onto it. He wasn't hurting you, but had a strong grip on you so you could only look into his face. You looked into his cold eyes with no emotions on your face and listened to every word he had to say. You could hear Kiku running down the hallway, but you were too afraid to look over at him.

Ivan: glancing over at the fleeing Japanese man and then locking eyes with you
You come back with me to Russia, da?

You were speechless, you were too afraid to disagree so you softly nodded your head. Suddenly you heard Kiku charging back, but this time there was another set of feet.

Ivan: grinning
We should go now; Japan has friends over, da?

Ivan picked up your breathless body and ran down the hallway while carrying you bridal style. The only thing that was going though your mind was, "so I'm not gonna see Tokyo?"


I honesty feel like this chapter could have been planed a little better, but this is all I got, sorry.
I had a really awkward day at school today, maybe that's why this isn't the best; like do you expect about 99% of people in PE class to braking into a flash mob? I had a feeling that my sport teacher didn't like table tennis; but why am I complaining, some good beats were dropped. XD

Thank you for reading!


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