Chapter 6 - A sweet smell

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The smell of freshly baked goods tempted your nose and caused you to salivate, waking you up to a growling stomach, then you realised that you haven't eaten since the morning you got kidnapped. The room you found yourself in was dark; you squinted your eyes and felt around on the bed you were lying on for Romano. Then it hit you, you remembered Mathias slapping you in the face knocking you out; you put your hand up to your temple and felt a small bump on it. Tears began to rain from your eyes and you gripped onto a pillow, pulling it up to your chest, tucking in your legs.

You: trying to cry quietly
R-Romano! Ro-mano! Ga-good-bye-a!

You sat there sulking and whispering Romano's name over and over again to yourself, before you had no more tears left to cry. The smell of baked food was able to get you out of the bed, but you made sure to gently place down the pillow; thinking it was Romano. As you approached a door with light squeezing in underneath it entering your room, you noticed a light switch. As soon as you flicked the light on, your eyes glanced over at a dresser beside you; on top of it was a small pile of clothes and a note. You stepped over to the dresser and picked up the note.

Note: semi neat handwriting
Elsker (love), I'm sorry I brought you here, but I can't stand seeing you locked up in a house with ryk (jerks), at least here you will be treated like the smuk pige (beautiful girl) you are and not a glass angel locked away.
~ The King  :D

You smiled at the note and placed it back down on the dresser, your eyes meet with the clothes and you were greatly interested in them.

You: removing your clothes
It wouldn't hurt if I tried them on, besides, Nordic countries are cold.

Once you where completely dressed, you walked over to a full length mirror and looked at yourself. You were wearing a long sleeved white cotton top, a sky blue dress that came up to just pass your knees with no sleeves over the white top, (colour that matches your skin tone)  stockings and a pair of black flat shoes. You then reached over to the dresser grabbing a hair brush and began to comb out your (h/l) (h/c) locks. You put back the brush and got a final look at yourself, you had rosie cheeks and your (e/c) eyes shimmering with excitement for some reason. You sighed and turned around, lifting your other clothes off the ground and up onto the dresser. When you opened up the door, a strong smell of baked goods again made you salivate, then you realised that the room was only foot steps away from the kitchen. A cheery blonde man with excited royal blue eyes pulled a tray out of the oven and walk up to you holding it; he pushed the tray out in front of you offering one.

Tino: smiling
Hyvää huomenta! (Good morning)

You stood there, with at twitching eye and your hand over the tray confused at what he said.

Tino: still holding the tray and smiling
I said good morning, sorry, please take one! I'm Tino.

You: took one of the warm sweet buns
Hyvää huomenta? (Good morning) what language is that? (You then stared at the bun thing) This looks like a weird cinnamon bun.

You began to bit down on the bun while Tino put the tray back on the counter. Your eyes lit as you tasted the bun and looked back down at it with a smile.

You pronounced that very well, ever considered to learn Finnish, Suomea? (Finnish). And that is not a cinnamon bun, that's korvapuusti pulla. (He grabs another tray with a long braided cooked dough topped with drizzled frosting) This one is braided pulla.

He sliced up a few pieces of the braided pulla and gave them for you to eat. As you ate the mildly-sweet flavoured bread, you looked out into a living room, which was elevated three steps down from the rest of the house. There appeared to be two people sitting on the couch down there reading a book, they were rather quiet and all you could tell about them was that one had blonde hair and the other had ashy white blonde hair. The front door swung open and a gust of chilling wind blew as a tall blonde man with glasses over his blue eyes walked in cradling wood logs in his arms and placed them down by the fireplace, beginning to stack them up neatly. Another tall man walked in cradling wood logs over to the fireplace, he had blonde spikes in his hair and the soft blue eyes.

You: walking down the stairs

The spiky haired man finished dropping the wood logs and turned around smiling.

Mathias: walking over and hugging you
Elsker! Have you meet my brothers yet?

You: looking at Tino and smiling
I have meet Tino.

The two people on the couch got up and stood by Mathias, the tall man with the glasses finished stacking the wood and also stood by Mathias, then Tino ran over and stood there too.

Emil: (ashy white blonde)
Nice to meet you, I'm Emil

Berwald: (blonde with glasses)
I'm Berwald

Lukas: (blonde)

Tino: smiling
What's your name?

You: grinning
I'm ____.

They all nodded and walked over to a clothes rack collecting thick jackets and walked through the front door into the snow. You turned around and saw Mathias foolishly grinning while passing you a thick brown jacket. He grasped your hand and pulled you out the front door where you saw the others waiting with rifles and axes.


PS. I make some killer korvapuusti pulla, like seriously I have that suomalainen magic in ma finger tips!
What do you think they are gonna do with those weapons outside with you? All signs point to... STAY TOONED... For more randomness and the NORDICS!


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