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I just wanted to let you know,
How it felt not to let you go,
Even though we're stuck in this situation,
Like an ever complicated equation,
It didn't occured like completion,
But I don't know it'll end up on this,

The day that I get to meet you,
Was the time it felt like the stars got aligned on the skies,
Simply implying sparks and aftershocks,
These kind of feelings that starts to escape,
That didn't even seem to be ceasing,
Ironic, you never knew it,

How would you?
It's still not so soon,
We're sailing on compassion,
Drowning on the myriad of our emotions,

They know me only as your bestfriend,
This hidden affair might have its limit,
Think about it deeply, my love,
Will you risk it for me, best I could ever have?

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