part 16

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The ride home was really long but I didn't even feel it because I busied myself with work, my assistant Mildred was in the car with me so she updated me on the current status of my company "the news has been going wild about you and Connor, miss Reynolds, I would have used our special means to clear it all up but I wanted to verify from you first" Mildred said after she was done telling me all the successes of the company so far in one week "ummm, ignore it there was something but just let them talk, it'll eventually die down" and after these words I went off to the wonderful world of sleep "we're here miss Reynolds" the driver announced, my things were taken back to my house after I opened the door and I went upstairs quickly for a shower, I would treat myself to dinner today, a late dinner of course since it's already late...
I soaked myself in a tub of hot water and felt relieved, immediately thankful for hot water, I got out of the tub and changed my mind, I would have to eat some crackers and go to bed later, I realized I still had my tubs of icecream and chocolate so I went on with that instead, I got my biggest ice cream bowl and scooper and scooped up different flavours of ice cream including my best, alcohol meritus, French vanilla and cake batter, sprinkled crackers on it and chocolate too then I had one waffle cone broken into it, I put it on the ice cream tray and mixed away *I really should get an ice cream truck, I have really good ice cream skills* but I brushed it off, my heart is set on reading and writing but I've never really had the courage to write my own story well, I enjoyed my ice cream deluxe while I read the manuscript to a book called "love sucks" it was funny but too personal, I made notes on various pages and when that was done, I put the stuff in the dish washer and went off to bed
I woke up the next day, put on a casual black and white striped dress with the silver loboutin strap heels rita got me the other day, put my hair down with my bangs still freshly washed looking shiny and then I put on a little oxblod lipstick with eyeliner, mascara and a little of my mac powder...
I rode my black Royce today and when I got to my office, I was too lazy to park at my special spot so I called one of the company drivers to take my car to the spot, I went up and found Mildred waiting in front of the elevator with my coffee, I wonder how long she has been standing there coz I'm rather late "call the writer of this book today, set an appointment for 1:00 today with the person and call in the board, I'd like to have a meeting with them around 12:00 which is about an hour from now so, get to work" I handed her the manuscript and started walking away "miss Reynolds?" Mildred stammered as I walked away "what?" I asked her, seeing she wasn't saying anything I just kept on walking, that was what I didn't like about Mildred, she was sloppy and I hate sloppy people, I got looks and greetings from here about nd there which I responded to casually, I got into office and lo and behold in my chair, sitting rather too comfortably was Connor Wright, the man who broke my little heart a few hours ago "get out of my office" I say once I close the door *no wonder everyone was throwing me wierd looks as I walked down here* "God mia, I messed up big time and I know I did, I swear I am sorry, I'm probably the biggest idiot that ever lived because I didn't stand up for us" he was down on his two knees now begging for my forgiveness which actually felt good, it was nice to be begged but his mother called me a whore and he seemed okay with it, I guess that was all I was to him, a whore "is that what I am to you? A whore?" I ask as I walk to my fridge to get a bottle of water "no mia, you're my little princess" he ran his hand through his beautiful hair "then why did you let her say all that about me?" He had no answer, just as I had thought, he was too weak to give me the answers I needed, hew told his mom my story and she in turn used it against me "I don't ever want to see you again Connor, I was doing fine without you and so you leaving won't make a difference, leave while your dignity is still in tact, please" I add and then he grabs me by my waist and tries to hold me close to him the way he used to but I whisper yell"get out!" I check my watch, time for my meeting and so I leave my office to attend the scheduled meeting, in other firms I hear stuff like the board can change the C.E.O whenever they feel like but with the way my constitution is drawn, I have the utmost power over every other employee and so I stride out casually with Connor trailing behind me "I'm sorry mia" he says a few times until I disappear into a long hallway with different conference rooms "good day everybody" I say as I walk in and everyone stands to acknowledge my presence. We talk about everybody's private life and how they should endeavour to keep it private for the sake of our company "what about you miss Reynolds? " Steve Bloopnan asks I think this man has a lot of guts which I hate, someone with his guts should be a lawyer "what department do you head in the board Mr. Bloopnan?" Then he told me it was the proof reading department "at the end of work today, you'd have to look into your wife's eyes and tell her you lost your job because you decided to delve into your boss's private life, is that okay?" I ask just to make sure he heard me correctly "never come back here Steve, never" I walk out and head to my office for the other meeting with the upcoming writer...


Hello guys, I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, I've had to seal the deal for school and deal with a lot of things, be kind enough to vote and comment please 😚😚😚

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