part 20

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I cut my darling nail short just so I can service you guys better by updating more frequently, I hope you guys like the story so far and the turn out of events, please don't be a ghost reader😭😭😭...I'm begging you, comment and vote Thanks😆😆


Once I put phoebe to bed, I had time to really arrange all her belongings in my apartment, I let her stay in the room closest to mine, it was big and I was sure she would be scared staying all alone in a very big room but she Judy had to manage because I wasn't sure her mother would approve of her sleeping in the same bed with me, I mean I wouldn't even agree to sleep in the same bed with a 3 year old, as little as she was she sure had a lot of things especially since she was just staying the weekend I wonder what we're going to do tomorrow, it's Friday.....

I thought and thought for hours until I decided to call rita to ask, I would have called her mum to ask but I didn't want to seem like a totally irresponsible adult...
"You're joking, phoebe is actually at your place?" Rita asked me for the umpteenth time already "yeah, she's even sleeping in the other master bedroom" I said tired of trying to convince her so I decided to get myself to the room she was in and let rita see for herself "do you believe me now aunty rita?" I asked as I made a pouty face "that's a really nice thing to do mia, taking the pressure of my sister since she's so heavy and tired and phoebe is so energetic, she almost broke down with her husband out of the country and all, thank you mia, I don't have a lot of friends who will do what you've done for myself and my sister" Rita said this with all sincerity and I appreciated it but I had to change the topic "whatever, you know I'm really bored here so why not, what about the spots for children rita, you promised" I said almost in tears "she has a birthday party to attend tomorrow" Oh God! Why must it be a birthday party, I hated those but well...tye 3 year old had to go   
                 DING DONG!!!
Who would that be, disturbing my peace and phoebe's sleep😤😤
I ran down to check the door before phoebe wakes up and guess who it was, it was the one and only Connor Wright at my door step "What do you want?" I asked immediately sour "someone's not in a good mood this evening" and that was when phoebe started crying, she probably didn't even know where she was, the poor thing! "Is that a baby's cry I hear mia?" He asked like he even cared "come in, and don't even touch anything" I left him downstairs and took the stairs to get phoebe, once I appeared through the door she stopped crying "hi phoebe, did you sleep well" I said this in a somewhat childish voice "yes I did aunty mia" and she hugged me and held on, I carried her downstairs to my visitor "who's the cutie?" Connor asked when we were seated "hello uncle, are you aunty Mia's husband?" I started laughing at this little girls assumptions "no darling, I want aunty mia to marry me but she just won't sat yes" Connor was carrying phoebe now "what would you like to drink Connor? " "I would like a dirty martini please" Connor said then phoebe added "with one caprisonne for phoebe" this girl was too cute, I assumed they were talking about me because when I came back in they were both giggling then phoebe promised him never to tell me "you never told me you had a daughter" Connor said to me "she's not my mommy!!, she's my mommy's sisters friend 😋😋

I like this girl, she never let me answer stupid questions and I loved that about her, just one question why is Connor in my house playing with my guest? "Okay Connor goodbye" I announced after various rounds of this little piggy with Connor winning but pretending to lose to phoebe

"Do I have to go?" He whined "yes, you do I don't even know why you're here in the first place" he kept his mouth shut and walked to the front door "bye my little poochie " he called from the door "bye polka hunter" phoebe answered and grinned really widely, right after he was gone I felt phoebe tug on my trousers, "aunty mia please say yes to uncle Connor so that he will be here each time I come to spend time with you, like the weekends, summer and many more times"...

The only thing I could tell phoebe was "don't worry about Connor honey, time will tell okay?" I don't think she understood what I meant because she said nothing else after that

We just went to the kitchen to see what we could put together for us to eat, "do you have any allergies?" I asked her curiously just so I don't kill her before the day is even over "errr what's an allergy aunty mia?" She asked me while she stuffed her face with lemon pound cake "something that you react to" then she continued eating the cake until she popped her head up "I don't like nuts, but I don't know what an allergy is why font you call mummy and ask her?" She walked over to the land line and put her mother's number in then she dialled, "hey mummy, it's phoebe can you hear me mummy, are you okay coz I am having the time of my life don't come get me please because I haven't even gone round the house with aunty mia yet!" Her mother chuckled on the other end "hey phoebes, I can tell you're having fun over at aunty Mia's house, have you had any thing to eat?" This was when I intercepted "she just got up from sleep so I decided to make something for us to eat but I had to ask if she had any allergies first" "yes mummy, do I have any allergies?" Phoebe added "nope, this little birdie is allergy free" her mum said in a playful tone "okay mummy, bye, I love you!" She said and then she hung up without even letting me say goodbye "have you ever been to jack in the box?" She stood as if she was in deep thought until she jumped up "yaaayyyy!, we're eating out!" Then she was sad again "what is it phoebe?" I asked "mummy only let's me eat take out food on sundays" she explained with puppy dog eyes "but you're in wunty Mia's house now, so we can have as much take out as we want okay?" Then she jumped up, I got us into my Rolls Royce and we sped off to the closest jack in the box...


I vow to you guys to update daily from now on because I'm leaving for school soon and I want this book to be finished before I leave for school, enjoying my book so far? Please comment and, jessica💝

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