part 7

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Okay hey everybody, I've been having the worst case of writers block and I'm sorry for not updating sooner, don't be a ghost reader, please vote and comment and recommend to friends too . I promise to update every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
I would be pretty mad if anyone Stole my ideas so please don't.

I had a really bad feeling about this game but I still gathered around though and then Connor said it was spin the bottle but when the bottle lands on someone, the person gets to pick who they want to put under the spotlight and everybody will throw questions at that person, you either answer the questions or drink a shot of tequila.
The bottle was spun and it landed on Wilbur, the guy that sat beside me during dinner "I pick Mia Reynolds" and I froze once I heard my name, everybody looked at me and I stood, regretting ever telling him my name.
I sat at the high rise chair in the middle filled with shot cups and a bottle of tequila and the questions began.
"Will you have sex with me" and I answered without thinking "no"
"Why and when did you get your tattoo?", I took a shot cup
"Where do your parents live?", I took a shot cup
"Why and when did you get your tattoo?" It was rita that asked this question, I couldn't forfeit a question more than once and so I answered "I got it because my parents died and I got it after their burial" I heard people gasp at the sad truth and the next person asked
"How and when did your parents die?" I took a shot
"How and when did your parents die?" And I wished I never even came to Connor's house "they died in a car accident when I was 12" I felt a tear drop.
"Do you have any siblings or relatives" and I answered "No"
"How many times have you had sex?" And I took a shot, I wasn't willing to tell everyone I was still a virgin.
"How many times have you had sex?"
Oh shit! These people really wanted to rip me open, "I've never had sex" I blurted out so barely everybody heard me.
That was the end of the game and I just went up to my room once this game was done I was deep in thought about the accident, I don't remember anything because I suffered amnesia after the accident, the only thing they knew about me was my name since it was in the records but everything on my parents was gone, I had to build a life on my own, I went from one orphanage to another until I was 18 and I left to denver and I started reading, I worked hard under so many people, I worked from being a sales girl to a secretary to a personal assistant to a ramirez and then I started the molds publishing company and I actually made it, I buried everything behind me and I fought to become who I am today, I've been on times magazine twice as the most successful woman in the world of business...
There were three soft knocks at the door "come in" and I turned to see Connor and rita in the room "hey mia" they both said at the same time, "hey guys" I said as they sat beside me "we're sorry you had to answer those questions, we just wanted to get to know the real you, we approached everything wrongly and we're sorry" Connor said and I just nodded and rita said" so you've been alone since you were 12 and you're still a virgin at 29, talk of being all about business" and she hugged me and I let her just hug me, when she left the room Connor hugged me too and though I tightened under his embrace, I hugged him back "do you remember your parents?" And I said "I woke up in a hospital with bandages all over me and I knew nothing but my name, they tried to revive my memory but they told me my parents died instantly because of the impact" And I was in tears already and he wiped them away with his thumb and then he traced the tattoo on my leg with his other hand "why sparrows?" And I breathed in "sparrows to me represent peace and everything I ever needed, they're 3 because I was told that my mother was pregnant, it hurts so much to only know that single piece of information about my blood parents" and he just hugged me again and pecked me on the cheek "I need to work a bit for rita's book, I'm working on it myself since I'm more involved than I'm supposed to, so please permit me to work for tonight" and he agreed saying "as long as it makes you happy" and he left my room as I pulled out my laptop and continued rita's story, I used made up names of course in order to protect the names and lives of those involved.....
Time went by quick and I checked my watch, it was already 1:00 and I was hungry so I went downstairs in my tank top and my shorty shorts, they were my favorite sleeping attire and so I went downstairs to make some noodles, I got there and searched everywhere for ramen and because of my challenging height, I was barely 5'0 so I had to climb unto a chair to check all the top cabinets " whoa! Are you trying to seduce me intentionally?" We're the last words I heard before my body made contact with the floor.......

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