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I'm Fem!Louis af I'm sorry guys xD I'll tome it down as much as I can

15 comments please (:


The drive back of Niall and Louis' home is filled with sullen silence, mostly due to the stubborn and highly disappointed little that sits in the passenger seat, with his arms crossed over his chest and the infamous Louis Tomlinson pout settled onto pretty pink lips. His hazel hair was tossed and a little sweaty after his 2 hour nap, and his cheeks tinged a beautiful shade of pink from warmth.

Niall could blame himself, because it is his fault that Louis has now decided to give him a silent treatment because he did break his promise of taking the little for ice cream. And again, it is his fault that he has forgotten that there was a Galla that Niall had to attend the same night, and due to that, Louis would also he dragged along.

"Buttercup, I'm sorry."Niall tried again as they drive, going to rest his hand on Louis' naked right thigh. The little had changed into baby blue and white striped shorts after his accident, they were knee length when standing up but rode up his thighs when he sat down. Louis flinches away from the Dominants touch, hitting his left knee off of the car door and wincing.

Niall arrived at the Payne-Malik residence at the exact time he said he would, cooing at the sight of his baby curled up on the couch, tightly clutching Skittles to his chest and sucking soothingly on his Paci that was popped into his mouth. Zayn informed Niall of the Littles accident, telling the fellow Dom that the freshly washed and dried clothes were in Louis' backpack.

Hating the fact that he was woken up, Louis sulked and whined until Niall had no choice but to lift him off the couch and carry him out of the Payne-Malik home, Louis lazily waving goodbye to his friends as he was carried to the car. Despite his hazy, sleepy mind, Louis hadn't forgotten about his promise for ice cream and was more than angry at his Daddy when told they weren't getting any.

"You said I get ice cream if I was good,"Louis says, rubbing the sore spot on his left knee which is starting to hurt a lot more than he'd like to admit."I was good! I'm always good!"Because he was good, he didn't throw a tantrum and he ate all of his food and didn't fight with Liam.

"I don't doubt for a second that you weren't good, Zayn was singing your praises of how good you were for him, sweetheart. And I'm very proud of you."Niall is pulling into their street, slowing his speed. Their neighbour was more upperclass then Niall would like to admit, with cars that probably cost more than some peoples mortgages and houses with far too many bathrooms.

"W-was it because of m-my accident?"Louis worries, his hands pulling at his t-shirt is worry. He's had accidents loads of times before, and despite the fact that sometimes he wears a pull-up -or that one time he was really sick a nappy - and that Niall was perfectly fine with the little doing so, he always feared that Niall found is revolting and vile.


"B-because I'm sorry! And I won' do it again, I'm sorry, I'll be a good boy, I'm sorry."Louis starts to sniffle his pleas, tears staring to fill his oceanic blue eyes in fear that Niall was upset with him for his accident, that maybe Niall was angry that Louis had ruined yet another pair of dungarees for Holding in his pee of long until it was too late."P-please don't be mad."

"Oh, little bird."Niall frets, already driving through the gates of their home and having them close behind him, Niall parks the car in the drive way, turning his attention to his distraught little who was nearly crying."Little Bird, you're always my good boy. Accidents happen and that's okay, I can always fix them or buy you new clothes if they're ruined, you are not bad for having an accident."

"B-but why no ice cream?"

"Because Daddy is stupid, that's why."He places his hand on Louis' under thigh, gently massaging the plump flesh. Louis looks up from where he's fiddling with his hands worriedly, oceanic blue eyes meeting Nialls crystal blue."And he's very sorry for making his little one so upset,"

"Daddy's silly,"Louis scrunches his nose up whenever there's a sloppy kiss being placed on his nose lovingly, letting out a giggle.

"Yes he is,"Niall agrees, a smile retching up to eyes as he admires his little one."Now, I think we 'ought to see what you're going to wear tonight, little bird."

"Dress up?"Louis' eyes light up with a small gasp leaving his lips, looking at Niall hopefully. As spoilt as he is, Louis has every piece of clothing that you could ask for, ranging from the simplest of graphic t-shirts to cartoon imprinted onesies and colourful pastel skirts. His choice is shoes was even worse. Let's not forget that he has managed to get Niall to buy him costumes that he often dressed up in for his own entertainment.

"Let's see what Daddy picks out, yeah?"Niall laughs, an image already in his head of Louis turning up to this Galla dressed in a Spider-Man costume, accompanied with a neon blue tutu because Louis liked to mix up his costumes to be original.

The good thing about these galas were that Louis didn't have to act big at the, and that he got to be extra close to his Daddy, seeing as Niall didn't like him to wonder off during events like these. It was good, because he got to clutch onto Nialls hand and rest his head on his shoulder and didn't have to be embarrassed about sucking his thumb or falling asleep.

Louis munches on a snack while Niall gets changed into a suit that probably costs more than half a fortune, accompanied with one of his favourite Rolex watches which was engraved at the back with the entails 'N.H & L.T' on the back of it. It was the first birthday gift animal had received from Louis, payed by Nialls money or course but coming from Louis' heart.

His suit is a slick black, from his suit jacket to his tie and the shine of his shoes that have been freshly polished that morning.

"But I don't wanna wear this one,"Louis points out grumpily, eyeing the dull looking colours that lay on the bed. He'd rather have something bright and colourful to wear, not an outfit that looked like he was heading to a funeral."It's ugly."

"Don't say that, I bought this for you."Niall soothes over a crease of the black skirt that lays on the bed. As much as the gala was a formal event, Niall didn't have the time to tailor Louis for a suit nor the effort to wangle him into one. If anyone had a problem with the way Louis was dressed, they had to deal with Nialls wrath.

"But I have prettier clothing than this,"Louis pouts."Like colours that don't look like they suck the life outta everything."

"Stop this sassy, young man, or your ass will be cherry red before we even leave the house."Niall yarns, flicking Louis' nose which makes the little horn, covering up his nose and mopping over the nose assault he has just endured."You're wearing what I've laid out for you. Now, do you want help or den you change by yourself?"

"Help..."Louis mumbles helplessly, big blue eyes on show as he looks Niall.

"Okay, Little Bird."Niall smiles, lips pressing to Louis' forehead. His lips turn into a bigger grin whenever he notices Louis' pouted lips for a kiss on the lips, puckering them.

"I love you Daddy,"Louis says sweetly whenever Niall grants his wish for a kiss on the lips.

"I love you too, Little bird. Are you going to be good for Daddy?"

"I always good, Daddy."

I love this way too much Omf okay it's just amazing to write when you want fluff

Harry will be introduced in the next chapter (;

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