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Imma write smut or something soon. I swear. Gotta add more stuff into this.

Please comment! I love comments and not getting many is so sad ):::

I've made Louis such a lil brat in this chapter lmao but I don't care


Louis pouts at his plate of food, feeling no longer interested with the meal that Zayn had dished up for him, with a cheese burger and a handful of sweet potato fries that he had made especially for the little. It looks and tastes delicious, don't get Louis Wong because he loves Zayns cooking, but as he's sitting in front of his Daddy as he ignores Louis for a conversation with Harry, he little suddenly feels less hungry.

The little has resorted to resting his head on Liam's shoulder, sucking on his Paci as his best friend eats his own Lunch and the 'Adults' talk while they eat their own. Liam joins in every once in awhile, feeling on the verge of being adult enough to join in while Louis has no interest nor does he feel up for the mood for talking.

He's always been one to bask in his Daddy's attention, it came with being an attention starved child as he lived in a household with the endless number of little sisters, and hanging off of his Daddy's arm also didn't help. It wasn't as if he didn't allow Niall to talk to other people, he knows that Niall is a busy man and he talks to a lot of people, he just doesn't like the idea that his Daddy is talking to someone like Harry when he could be talking to his Little boy.

"Don't you like your food, Louis?"Zayn asks, knocking Louis out of his brooding thoughts. It's only now that he's realising he's no longer sucking on his Paci but annoyingly chewing on the silicone teat as he glares across the glass, outdoor table at his Daddy and Harry.

Zayn is leaning across the table, nudging the Paci out from the Littles lips to stop the terrible squeaking of silicone. He had finished his meal a while ago, just listening to the conversation that Niall and Harry was caught in and helping Liam with cutting up food and engaging in conversation. Louis is far too quiet, especially seeing as he was jumping off the walls just a couple of hours ago.

"M'not hungry."Louis lies, casting his eyes over the food left on his plate. He sits up straighter, winning whenever he applies pressure onto his sore bum. He's moving to cross his legs on the chair as he avoids Zayns eye."M'sorry."

"Oh, Lou. It's okay! We can wrap it up and you can have it later if you're hungry, alright buddy?"Zayn smiles, resting his hand on the Littles arm and rubbing it gently."Do you want anything else? More juice?"He asks.

"Yes, please."The little nods, standing up from his chair and self consciously brushing off his TinkerBell outfit, free from crumbs and fallen food. He's taking a grab for his empty cup -decorated with Iron Mans mask and Captain Americas shield - just as Zayn makes a move to get up.

"Where are you going?"Niall asks, spotting the movement. Liam looks up curiously from where he's stuffing a handful of sweet potato fries into his mouth, eyes wide as he looks at his Own Daddy and then to Niall.

"Going to get Lou a drink. Hold your horses, man."Zayn holds up his hands, letting out a slow chuckle at the urgency. He's making a move to grab Louis' half eaten plate of food with full intentions to wrap it up and keep it in the microwave until later.

"Harry can do that, get him into practice."Niall grins, earning a sound from Louis that can only be identified as a mixture of a huff and a whine, looking between his Daddy and Zayn but never looking at Harry."Zayn, sit down. You invited us, spend some time with Liam."

"Okay, okay."Zayn nods his head, handing the plate over to Harry whenever the man gets up."Just wrap it up and put it in the microwave."He informs, sitting back down on his chair just in time for Liam to engage him into a rapid fire conversation.

"Little bird, why didn't you eat your food?"Niall asks with a raised eyebrow, noticing how little Louis has eaten. The little stands awkwardly in his Daddy's stare, looking down at the plastic cup in his hands instead.

"M'not hungry, Daddy."

"Are you lying to me?"Niall asks, use to the way that Louis would attempt to get out of eating food. Niall would be the finest to admit of the Littles weird eating habits, and lack of it, causing the Dom to coax him into eating food.

"No."Louis pouts, glaring at his Daddy for even assuming."I don't want juice now."He huffs.

"You wanted juice, go and get juice."

"Come with me for some juice, no use arguing."Harry motions his head towards the sliding doors, an indication to follow him into the house so he can sort out juice and the remaining food. Louis gives one last look at his Daddy, letting out a whine/sigh as he stomps in the direction of following Harry into the house so he can get his juice.

Harry makes quick with the food, wrapping it up with cling film before setting it in the microwave for later. Louis stands awkwardly, watching Harry as he does so and playing with the cup in his hands. He feels so uncomfortable around Harry, there's just something about his height and the way he smiles with far too many teeth and far too many times. Or the way he's always touching Louis' arm or his leg.

It's just...wrong.

"What juice do you want, love?"Harry asks, leaning to catch a look at the juice selection that Zayn has.

"Don' call me that. Only my Daddy can call me cute nicknames."Louis glares, which comes out more as a hard stare, with pouted lips and frowned brow. Only people that he likes is allowed to call him nicknames, which is what Louis would've said but he's not allowed to be that mean.

"Okay, sorry."Harry apologises, dismissing it quickly."Do you want Apple, orange or tropical?"


"What do you say?"


"You say please."Harry sighs, already pulling the carton out of the fridge and taking the marvel cup out of Louis' hands. He inspects the glass, noting the glitter that rims the inside and out of the glass and sighs, setting it in the sink to be washed and grabbing a sippy cup from the purple backpack.

Louis scrunches up his nose as he's handed the sippy cup full of apple juice."I don't need a sippy cup."He declares, huffing up at Harry who all but holds the urge to roll his eyes at the little. Sometimes, he wonders if Niall is talking about the same little when he says that Louis is a supposed Angel and was made of sugar. The one that Harry keeps having encounters with is the exact opposite.

"You're welcome. Now take your juice and go watch a film."

"Don't tell me what to do."And Louis leaves, stomping his way out of the kitchen with as much dignity and confidence as someone wearing a TinkerBell outfit, with bubblegum pink hair and a sippy cup full of juice can.

I know it's a bit short and I was gonna make it longer but I'm really fucking tired bc of these 5:30am starts that suck major balls but I'll have the next chapter up soon I swear.

Please tell me your opinions!



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