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Tears in this chapter and more to come in the next


"Where are we going?"

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"Where are we going?"

"I don't know."

"Well you should know."

"And why is that?"

"Because you're an adult and you're supposed to have a back up plan in situations like these."Louis sniffles, wiping away his fast running tears with the back of his hand, eyes directed out the window. They've been driving for awhile now in the dark but Louis hadn't enjoys energy to talk, too busy crying and dwelling on what they've just escaped from.

"Well I don't, now please shut up because I'm trying to think."Harry stresses, his grip tightening on the steering wheel of the car that Harry had nabbed the keys of on their way rush out of the house, dragging Louis along with him. He doesn't know where he's driving, he hadn't been given a direction so he just kept on driving further and further down the country roads and city bends this late at night.



"Whatever."Louis grumbles, kicking the passenger seat that's in front of him in frustration and anger because that's what he feels might now, not just sadness, but anger as well. Niall, for not being careful, Harry for dragging him away from the love of his life even though he can screamed and cried to stay, the gang for not protecting Niall like they should've and the bastards that are coming after him in the first place.

"What did I say?"

"I always have the last word."Louis declares, huffing loudly from his place in the backseat, hugging Bambi close to him much to the grey kittens annoyance at being coddled at. She had been having such a wonderful time sleeping on the sofa - a place where she's not usually allowed to be - whenever she had been rudely scooped up by a frantic Harry - after Louis refused to leave without her - and carried out of the house so fast that she hadn't had time to process what was happening.

The car falls into a silence after that, one that's thick with tension and only interrupted by Louis' quiet sobs or Bambi's mewls of confusion from where she's being hugged to Louis' chest. The roads are empty, something which makes it easier for Harry to continue driving on and to think out a plan to get Louis and himself to a safe location.

"Outta everyone I could've been stuck with, it had to be you."

"For once, can you not act like a fucking brat, Louis. For on fucking time, because you're not the only one here that doesn't want to be stuck with someone because let me tell you, with how you treat me, I don't want to be stuck with you either."Harry suddenly snaps, his voice filled with his own anger and frustration at the little that keeps complaining in the backseat of the car.

The silence that Harry is met with is astonishing and frightening to say the least. How Louis' face falls from his pouty anger and blankness with tears that continue to pour down his cheeks at a fast rate. Immediately, Louis is looking away from Harry and out the car window, letting Bambi out of his grip and letting her roam the backseat of the car on her own.

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