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"Daddy..."Louis whines, hovering by Nialls open office door with his head down and hands clasped in front of him. There's an unmissable tent in his pastel blue sleeping shorts and a blush from his neck to the tips of his ears, and that uncomfortable and guilty aura that surrounds the little, one that makes Niall smirk.

"What is it, little one?"Niall asks, not sparing the little a glance who continues to waver around the door frame. He knows the rules, he's not allowed into his Daddy's office unless his Daddy says so but he hasn't been told if he is or isn't allowed so he stays where he is. Niall glances up, fixing the rounded glasses on his nose."Louis."

"I-I got tingles."Louis admits in a small, whiny voice, still not meeting Nialls eye as he looks down at his sock covered feet. They were rainbow in colour and traveled all the way to below his knees, his favourite socks. Niall had put Louis down for a nap - seeing as the little was cranky and stubborn after lunch - and it was only when Louis woke up from his pleasant dream and he can't even remember - god damn it - was when he realised he was in trouble.

"Tingles?"Niall scrunches up his eyebrows for a second, allowing his eyes to roam Louis' petite figure until his eyes land on the unmissable tent in the Littles sleeping shorts."Oh, that type of tingles."Niall sets down his pen onto the desk, leaning back into his chair as he watches Louis lift his head to look over at Niall.

"Yes."He keeps his voice small, face red hot. Niall bites down on his bottom lip, drumming his own fingers against his thigh as he takes in how precious, how pure his little Louis looks.

"Do you want Daddy's special touchies to make the tingles go away?"Niall asks, watching the way that Louis' eyes light up and he nods his head shyly."Then come here then, come sit on Daddy's lap."Niall pats his lap, moving his chair back and watching how Louis makes his way further into the room, moving awkwardly with his hands still cupping at his hard member through his shorts.

Once Louis has situated himself on Nialls lap, he smiles innocently at his Daddy, waiting on Niall to give him his touchies. He knows not to be inpatient, he knows from past experience that being inpatient ends up with a hand print on his pretty ass and not allowed to have any cummies, but that's only if Daddy isn't in a good mood.

"Big boy kisses, please."Louis whimpers with a squirm, his lips puckered for a kiss.

"Of course, princess."Niall chuckles, a hand under Louis' chin to guide their lips to meet in the middle, loving the needy sound that leaves Louis' lips whenever their lips touch. Niall moves their lips in a steady kiss, tongue darting to teasingly lick at Louis' bottom lip while his other hand sneaks down to slip through the front of Louis' shorts.

"Daddy-"Louis gulps, moving to pull away from the kiss but is tugged back with Nialls fingers under his chin.

"Shh, baby."Niall shushes, giving Louis' kiss bitten lips a small peck as he pulls Louis' hard member out of the Littles shorts. Louis' cock was a little on the small side in length, a normal girth and nothing to be ashamed off, no matter is many time Louis would complain. Niall gives Louis' cock a lazy stroke, watching the way that Louis' eyes flutter close.

Lips parting with a moan, Louis bucks his hips into Nialls slow moving strokes. Biting down onto Louis' lower lip, the little lets out a choked sound whenever Nialls thumb brushes against his leaking slit, collecting the pre-cüm on his thumb. Louis' hips stutter, little moans and whimpers leaving his lips and traveling to Nialls whenever the Dom picks up the pace with his hand.

Niall loves how his princess can just fall apart by Nialls hand alone, the little moans and gasps that escape his lips everything that Niall moves his thumb over his slit, or the way he tips his head backwards when he's getting a little too much pleasure or the way his nose scrunches up and mouth falls slack when he climaxes.

Louis cûms into Nialls hand with a shake of his thighs and a loud moan escaping his lips which is music to Nialls ears."All messy,"Louis begins to whine.

"Yes, you've caused quiet a mess, princess."Niall comments with a chuckle, kissing Louis' jaw lovingly."C'mon, off these go."He orders, already standing the little up on shaky legs and taking his pastel coloured shorts off of him, letting the slip down his thick thighs and down his hairless legs.

"Nakey,"Louis giggles, watching as Niall wipes his hands free of cum using baby wipes he keeps at his desk. Throwing it into the bin, he pulls out fresh baby wipes and starts to wipe around Louis' now placid member and around his thighs and tummy, free of cum before disposing of them.

"My beautiful baby,"Niall pulls Louis forward until he's standing in the V of his legs, hands spread out on Louis' curvy bum and lips pressed to the softness of Louis' bare tummy. Louis blushes whenever Niall starts to press soft kisses to his tummy.

"Daddy, stop it."He squirms, feeling embarrassed and exposed as he stands in front of his Dom, naked and brushing.

"What? Am I not allowed to smother my beautiful little with kisses?"Niall raises an eyebrow, pulling away so he can look up from his sitting position. Louis' nimble fingers have found their way up to Nialls hair, running them through his soft hair.

"Y-you are..."Louis trials off,"Jus' not on tummy."

"Why not? I love your tummy."And with that, Niall is placing more loving kisses to Louis' tummy, around the Littles belly button and down where his tummy pokes out at around his hips."I love everything about you."

"I love everything about you too, Daddy."Louis replies happily."C-Can we have cuddles now?"He asks timidly.

"If princess wants cuddles, then that's what princess gets."Niall grins, leaving one last kiss to Louis' tummy before he's moving to get up, picking Louis up swiftly and surprisingly which makes the little squeal in shock."I think we 'ought to get some clothes on you first."

"No,"He whines, shaking his head with arms wrapped around Nialls neck and legs hooked at his hips."Cuddle in bed, naked."

"If we cuddle in bed, you're going to go back to sleep and we can't have that."

"I won't! Promise!"Louis gasps, shocked that his daddy would even think that he could fall a sleep, and okay, maybe the mattress felt like you were lying on clouds and was possibly the best mattress in the world but Louis didn't fall asleep that easy!

"Right, okay."Niall sighs, turning into their bedroom and setting Louis down on the unmade bed. Louis is squirming do get to the top of the bed, moving the covers so that they would cover him and settling the pillows behind his head and back. He waits in fascination as Niall starts to strip of his own clothing until he's just in his boxers, climbing into the bed.

"I love you, Daddy."Louis almost purrs, his back pressed up against Nialls chest and Nialls arms securely around his middle do keep his close and warm. There's a movie playing in the background that neither were really watching, just laying in their bed and cuddling; enjoying eachothers company.

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Any prompts?


Peace ✌🏼️

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