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This is just a pointless cute little chapter of sleepy Louis and Niall keeping him awake

This book is just filled with a lot of fûcking fluff because I need a book like this

For now anyway


Louis ends up falling asleep half way through the meal that he's set down to at the gala, a plate of food imported from Italy that Louis can't even pronounce, meaning he had no interest on eating it. He followed by a rule, if he was not able to pronounce the food, then it didn't touch his lips because God knows what could be that meal.

He falls asleep with his head lulled forward, skin resting on his chest, with one hand twirling around a tuff of hazel hair while the other loosely holds onto Nialls arm for reassurance that his daddy is there and not making any effort to leave him on his own. Louis is a quiet sleeper, the only sound being the occasional sniffle or the snuffle behind the pacifier Niall had slipped into Louis' mouth shortly after he fell asleep.

His bottom is sore from the belting he had to face after being rude to Harry, bum red with long belt marks across his ass cheeks for then swearing at Niall for being unreasonable. He was sure as well sorry for his attitude after the belting, blubbering apologises into Nialls shoulder as he cried his sorrows and Niall massages his bum gently in the middle of the men's bathroom. Although, it didn't change how Louis felt about Harry.

"Little Bird,"Nialls voice echoes through Louis' head, slowly dragging him out of his dreamless slumber and back to reality. Louis wakes a muffled protest behind his dummy, shaking his head against Nialls shoulder where it had been moved to be used as a cushion."You have to wake up for Daddy."

"Don' wanna, beddy bye time."He whines, voice muffled behind his soother. His eyes remain closed, nose twitching with a sniffle whenever Niall is forcing Louis to lean off of him. With that, Louis peels his eyes open, blue eyed filled with sad and frustrated tears."Dadd-ee."

"Alright, alright, no tears."Niall is quick to cupping Louis' face between his hands, running away the fresh tears of rejection and tiredness that run down Louis' cheeks, frowning."I know, you're really tired, Little one, but you need to wake up."

"Sleepy,"He whimpers, making grabby hands to be held which Niall complies too, pulling Louis onto his lap - and being cautious about Louis' sensitive bottom - and wrapping strong around Louis' petite figure. Louis doesn't hesitate to bury his nose into the crook of Nialls neck, letting out little sniffles of tiredness.

The gala was thinning out only few remained, too caught up with the sift music that flowed throughout the grand hall or wanting to stay behind to catch a conversation with a member they have been wanting to speak too all night. Along them, guards were spotted around the hall, inside and out for protection.

It wasn't as if those that remained were defenceless, because Niall was aided with a gun holster under the blazer of his suit, two guns held in the holster. A lot of the men were the same, having a weapon of some sort on their person at all times just Incase there was a time that it was needed. Although, Louis disliked guns so Niall always tried his best to keep they fact he had two on him a secret.

"I know, but if you sleep now you won't sleep when we go home."Niall shushes, lips pressed to the crown of Louis' head as he rocks the little on his lap to keep him calm and quiet."We're going home now."He answers Louis' unasked question.

Louis' small size was always a blessing in times like these, as well as that Nialls strength also helped, because Niall was able to lift and carry Louis without a problem. Louis' legs circle around Nialls waist until his ankles cross at Nialls back, keeping his face in his Daddy's neck as he starts to fall asleep again.

"Don't fall asleep on me, Little Bird."He jostles Louis a little, hands gripping just under Louis' bum so he can keep a hold of the little."Talk to me, tell me what you want to do tomorrow."He encourages as they walk out of the grand hall, a guard in front and behind for protection.

"Bunnies..."Louis mumbles behind his dummy, small hands scrunching up the back of Naills fancy blazer.

"Bunnies?"His chest vibrates with a chuckle."What about Bunnies?"He was well aware of Louis' fondness with the fluffy animals, Louis was an animal lover and loved every animal whether they be big or small, fluffy or scruffy.

"Wanna see 'em."He slurs, Niall feeling soft lips move against his neck as he talks."O-or go to...the park and..."Another pause, a little longer this time. Niall has to jostle Louis gentle to wake the little up again."...and go for ice cream 'cause 'ou promise."Louis' yawn is Long and squeaky by the end.

"You're right, I did promise."Niall nods, managing to climb into the backseat of the far with Louis still on his lap, manoeuvring the seat belt so that it was able to strap about both of them. The car begins to drive smoothly against the quiet road, Niall rubbing his hands up and down Louis' back to keep him awake.

"That sounds like a good plan, we'll wake up and have breakfast and I'll take you to that bunny farm down in the country, yeah? And Then we'll go for lunch and then we'll go to the park and finish our day off with going for ice cream. Isn't that a good plan?"

"Yeah..."Louis gives his Paci a lazy suck, cheek now resting against Nialls shoulder and body eyes struggling to keep open.

"What ice cream flavour are you going to get?"Niall carries on the conversation, chuckling whenever Louis lets out a disproving grunt.


"I don't think they do skittles flavoured ice cream, little cub."Niall laughs, scrunching his nose up.

"Do,"Louis stubbornly replies, kicking out a foot frustratedly from where he is perched on Nialls lap.

"I don't think they do,"Niall shakes his head, kissing Louis' forehead lovingly with another laugh at Louis' cute, stubbornness."But I bet if you ask nicely, they could give you skittles as a topping."He compromises, smiling widely whenever Louis nods in deaf tea and then shuffles until he's signing in content with the new position.

"Can..."Louis' voice trails off again behind his Paci, giving it another lazy suck for comfort and reassurance."Can we get a bunny?"

"I'll think about it,"Niall sighs deeply. Louis has always wanted a pet while living with his Daddy, Niall agreed he could have a proper pet of his choice of he could look after a simple orange goldfish, feed if and clean it's tank. Louis did a wonderful job at the start, going along with Niall to Pets At Home and picking out a wonderfully pink and white fish bowl with pink peddles that rested at the bottom of the bowl and a mock replica of the iconic Walt Disney castle as his new fishes Home.

He named his new pet bubbles. Bubbles was a regular joe among the rest of the orange gold fish, with dead black eyes and a circle mouth. Louis fed him his food once a day, cleaned his tank twice a week and even watched him since around his bowl as he talked nonsense to his pet fish that lived with in a link fish bowl in Nialls study.

Of course, over time, Louis got bored with the boring goldfish and Niall often found that he was the one feeding and cleaning Bubbles tank. Although, every time Niall even brought up the idea of giving bubbles to Zayn and Liam where he would be appreciated, Louis' waterworks and protests would fire up and all hell would break loose.

"That always means no,"Louis whines.

"It means; I'll think shout it."

Yay! Another chapter! I love writing for this, and although it doesn't get as many votes or comments, all of those I do get is very much appreciated! Thank you!

Please tell me your opinions (:

Of sleepy Louis and Nouis plan for the next day?

Any thoughts on what the day ahead will be like?

Should Louis get a bunny? And if so, what should it be named?



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