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Louis has never liked sleeping on his own, from a young age he often found himself creeping down the hall to crawl into bed with his Mummy, or wonder the halls and make sure that his little sisters are sleeping soundly and safely. When they started to grow up, he was all open arms and cuddles whenever one would come to their 'big brother' to protect them from their nightmares and Louis was not one to deny cuddles.

The older he got, he realised that his little sisters didn't need him as much anymore, they didn't come to his door in the middle of the night and ask for a hug or for him to protect him, and Mark had gotten extremely mad that last time Louis had tried to sleep beside his mummy so that he wasn't alone. So, Louis started to get use to sleeping on his own, having the company of his own thoughts and a teddy bear.

Meeting Niall, Louis knew that he wouldn't have to sleep alone again.

That's where the punishing part of this came in.

"I wan' Daddy."Louis whimpers around his Paci, Skittles pulled to his chest as he holds on with a grip that was unbreakable. Louis only got this type of punishment if he was really bad and it was never one to look forward to. It wasn't like a spanking which Louis enjoyed - in that pleasure pain type of way - or being edged, Sleeping on his own always caused nightmares and a lot of loneliness.

He had slept for a little while after his Daddy had left, but now he was awake and the room felt so big and Louis felt so little, but he also felt extremely cold. There was no one else in the room but Louis and skittles, but he wishes his Daddy was here, or that they were in their bedroom.

Turning onto his otherside, Louis glares at a random, darkened object. His room was lit up with his glow in the dark bedsheets and the stickers of stars and plants on his walls and ceiling, so he couldn't say that he was completely in the dark, that would truly terrify the little. Louis hugs Skittles just the little bit tighter as he looks at the glow in the dark stars.

He's always had a fascination with space, with the stars and planets. Niall knew that he did, and from the moment the little moved in he had a room just dedicated to Louis and his fascination for space. It was originally his bedroom, one where he would sleep all of the time, but that didn't work out as planned and soon enough, Nialls bedroom was made into their bedroom not that any of the two cared.

"I think we should go to our room, yeah?"Louis starts to talk to Skittles, pressing a kiss to the stuffed toys head as he starts to kick the thick and warm duvet off of his body and onto the floor. Wearing nothing other than his Daddy's shirt, Louis is getting up off of his bed and making a move towards the door.

"I Gotta pee,"He scrunches up his nose, making a turn for the hall bathroom. He's kind of glad that he's awake now, if he was still sleeping there would be a sure possibility of the little peeing himself and he doesn't want to ruin his wonderful bed sheets or his Daddy's shirt. After peeing and washing his hands, Louis continues the trek to their bedroom.

Creeping into the room, Louis hugs Skittles closer to his chest as he brings his Paci back up to his lips to suckle on. The room is plunged in darkness, unlike Louis' playroom or the hallway. Louis makes quick move towards the bed, crawling up his side of the bed and to Nialls sleeping body.

Awkwardly, Louis is pulling back the covers while kneeling on them before climbing in and pulling Skittles close to him once again. Niall snores without rhythm in his sleep, not showing any signs of waking up as Louis scoots closer into the warmth that is Nialls chest and nuzzles close with a hum.

"T'at's better."Louis mumbles, grinning behind his Paci and giving his Daddy's bare chest a pacifier filled kiss."G'night Daddy."


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