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"Daddy, I Gotta go pee pee."Louis whines whenever Niall has cleaned the Littles face with a wet cloth, freeing his beautiful face from tears or snot that formed whenever he was crying. Louis kicks his legs impatiently from his place on the downstairs bathroom counter, his hands gripping onto Nialls t-shirt so that the man doesn't leave him.

"Then hop down and pee, little bird."Niall chuckles, patting the Littles thigh in a indication to hope down from the counter. The little whines, squirming on the counter and raising his arms for in a sign to be lifted off the counter, with a pout on his lips and his blue eyes wide and innocent like as he looks at his daddy.

Niall chuckles, gladly lifting the little off the counter and pressing a kiss to his nose whenever he sets him back down, causing Louis to squeal and scrunch up his nose."You pee and then come meet me in the livingroom. I want you to apologise to Harry."


"Because you were being rude before he arrived. Your punishment isn't over, young man."Niall pokes Louis' nose before exiting the bathroom and leaving the little to do his business."Remember to wash your hands,"He reminds as he closes the bathroom door.

Walking back into the livingroom with a sippy cup fully of milk for Louis, a Paci and Skittles, Niall gives Harry an apologetic smile. The man gives him one back, taking a swig of the beer bottle that is in his hands. The second half of the game had already started but Niall wasn't complaining, he could watch what he missed during highlights later that night.

"I'm so sorry about this."Niall says for what has to be the 10th time since Harry came into the home. Harry shakes his in a sort of fondness.

"Don't apologise, Littles are difficult sometimes, I get that."He says calmly, watching as the Irish man sits down in the recliner that is beside his own, setting the stuff he brought in onto the coffee table in front of the two. The recliners were turned towards the flat screen television, the coffee table in front that was later in beer bottles and bowls of food.

"Yeah, but Louis is normally an Angel. He's a sweet boy once you get to know him and he warms up to you."Niall sighs, settling into the leather recliner that had a built in drink holder on the left arm of the chair."He's just not having a good day,"He shakes his head.

"Niall, it's okay."Harry nearly laughs, looking over at his friend."He doesn't like me, does he? And that's fine, he just needs to trust me enough to know that I'm going to protect him if need be."

Louis decides to walk in that moment, taking soft and slow steps towards the men with his head ducked and hands in front of him, playing with his fingers. He just wants to make it to the safety of his daddy's lap and maybe pay some type of interest to the football game that his Daddy and Harry are watching.

"Hey, little bird."Niall smiles whenever he notices the little creeping into the livingroom. He gives Niall a timid wave before scampering over to his daddy, scrambling onto his lap and making himself comfortable with a blush on his cheeks as he hides his face."Don't you have something to say to Harry?"



Scrunching up his nose and squirming on Nialls lap, the little resting his head on Nialls shoulder and looking at the man through thick eyelashes. Niall gives Louis the look which makes him squirm and huff out a breath before looking over at Harry.

"I'm sorry for being rude, Harry."He apologises in a mumbles tone, looking over at Harry with wide innocent eyes to maybe work a charm at being forgiven. Not that Louis cares if Harry forgives him or not, Louis isn't even sure if his apology is even real, probably not, Louis only gives proper apologies to his Daddy and to Liam.

"Apology accepted, Louis."Harry replies with a kind smile. He was use to Littles of all sorts of ages and personalities, and Louis may be a little little and he may have a personality that was brat like and attention seeking, but he wasn't the worse and Harry could see that.

"My precious boy, I'm proud of you."Niall whispers, pressing a kiss to Louis' forehead lovingly which makes the little blush at the affection."I brought you some milk, your Paci and skittles if you want baby."

"Please."Louis says sweetly, making grabby hands for the three items that sit on the coffee table. Niall complies, reaching for all three."Thank you."He says whenever he has Skittles cuddled to his chest and his sippy cup in his hands.

"My baby,"Niall whispers, turning back to watch the game with an arm securely around Louis' waist and a lap full of Louis who calmly drinks at his milk and stares up at his daddy with a smile on his lips and fondness in his eyes.

"My Daddy"

Major short but I have things planned for the next couple of chapters and I wanted to update this quickly (:

Please tell me what you think!

Do you want more fluff or smut?

Brat Louis or little little Louis?



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