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"Daddy? Can I have pink hair?"Louis asks innocently, laying cuddled up on the sofa as his Daddy works on his laptop, his head rested on Nialls lap and humming in content whenever Niall scratches at his scalp lovingly. They little was still sick, waking up twice during the night and throwing up and by that stage, Niall decided to just get up and start their day.

Niall has been forced to drag down their duvet from those bedroom and into the livingroom, tucking the little in on the sofa with his favourite Paci and skittles, with he favourite Disney Movies playing. With the Littles needs coming first, Niall had to cancel the meeting he had scheduled with an opposing gang and instead was working on agreements through emails on his laptop.

"Louis, you're not having pink hair."Niall says sternly, typing away with one hand and his eyes trained on the laptop screen as to what he is typing. It was barely 10 in the morning, both haven woken at 6 and on their third Disney movie at this rate. Niall had contacted Zayn, asking the man to pick up some little-friendly medication for Louis so that the Daddy doesn't need to leave.

"But Daddy, you dye your hair alla' the time! Why can't Louis?"The little whines, kicking his legs under his thick duvet that continues to keep him nice and warm, now that his temperature has dropped he's really cold.

"Because Daddy is a Daddy, and Daddies do whatever we want. You're my Little, you'll listen to what I say."

"But Daddy, I'm sick and you love me, and if you love me you'll let me have pink hair."Louis pouts, whining whenever the Daddy pulls his hand away from his hair so he can use both his hands to type."Daddy."

"Louis, no."

"Daddy don't love Louis?"Louis' lip starts to wobble, looking up at Niall with wide blue eyes that are filled with tears. Louis can feel himself slip more and more into little space the sicker he gets, and hearing that his Daddy didn't respond to loving Louis just makes him feel littler and sadder.

"Princess, Daddy loves you an awful lot, you're the centre of my world and the reason why I wake up every morning, but Daddy loves your beautiful hazel hair a lot."Niall coos, pushing his laptop onto the table beside the sofa so he can lean down and kiss at Louis' hazel hair."C'mon, no tears baby."


"Really."Niall gives the little a reassuring smile, kissing him on the nose whenever he turns onto his back, head still rested on Nialls lap. Louis gives a small yawn, making Niall coo."My sleepy, icky baby."

"Cuddles,"Louis requests, peering up at Niall with his big blue eyes that are coated in a layer of tears that makes Nialls heart swell. He's been wrapped around the Littles finger since the moment that he met him, Louis is everything that Niall could ever want or need in his life, and more. The Daddy complies, shifting so that he's lying behind the little with his arms wrapped around his waist and chin resting on the top of his hazel hair.

"Watch your movie,"Niall tells the little who hums, sharing his duvet with his daddy and snuggling closer to Nialls chest for more warmth, almost moaning whenever Niall starts to rub his tummy.

"Louis loves Daddy, lots an' lots."

"And Daddy Loves Louis, to the moon and back my sweet little one."

By the time that Niall is waking up again, the Television has switched itself off and it's due to a knocking at the front door. Slowly and steadily as to not to disturb the finally sleeping and sick little, Niall is able to unwrap his arms from Louis' small figure and get off of the sofa to make his way towards the door to open it.

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