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Louis feels kind It's that type of feeling he normally gets just before he goes into subspace when he's curled up to his Daddy's chest and soaking up all of the comfort that his Daddy is showering him in, but this time it's mixed with the difficulty of not being able to get into a headspace, that's what it feels like. Being unable to fall into subspace and it's itching at his skin.

The little remains the good boy that he is as his Daddy rubs soothing cream on his blotchy red bottom, humming in content at his Daddy's soft touch and the gentle kisses that Niall leaves at the bottom of the Littles spine in reassurance that he was okay and that he was being so good. The little is like jello whenever his Daddy finishes, allowing Niall to dress him up in soft jogging bottoms and one of his Daddy's colourful hoodies.

As much as Louis wants to see Zee and LiLi, all he wants to do is cuddle with his Daddy,  are up for the loss of cuddles from the night before, but he can't have everything in life and he does love to see Zee and LiLi - plus he wants to show Liam his new pink hair! He's going to be so jealous! - and he knows that his Daddy likes to spend time with Zayn.

"I need you to be on your best behaviour, princess."Niall says once helping the little out of the car, purple backpack in his hand that contained all of Louis' little belongings, as well as a change of clothes just incase. Louis looks down at his Daddy from here he stands tall on the step of the SUV, giggling as he pats his Daddy's head.

"M'always good, Daddy."He almost pouts because how dare he say that he won't be good?

"Hmm, as you say, princess."Niall rolls his eyes fondly, purposely reaching a hand round to pat Louis on the bottle, making the little squeak from his high up place and almost fall off of the step.


"I bet it was."Niall almost smirks, chuckling at Louis' attempt of a glare which looks more like an unpleased pout more than anything else."C'mon, down you come."He gestures with his free hand onto the driveway before holding his hand out for loud to take and jump down from the step.

"Up,"The little demands instead, holding his arms out for his Daddy to lift him. Rolling his eyes, Niall swings the purple backpack onto his shoulder before making the move to lift Louis off of the step and onto his hip, unable to help the smile on his one face at his Littles content hum of approval of being where he belongs.

"Someone's a little cuddly today, hmm?"Niall voices, making sure not to touch Louis' tender bottom and have a grip on the Littles thighs instead. Louis nods, burying his face into the crook of Niall neck instead as he's carried towards the front door."You can't stay in my arms forever."

"Can,"Louis huffs, nuzzling the crook of Niall neck as if to prove a point. Niall murmurs something about how much he loves Louis, kissing the little on the side of the head as he wraps on the wooden front door. It's Zayn who is answering the door as usual, with a wide smile and open arms for a hug from Louis, only to lower them when he notices how the little is clinging to Niall like a koala.

"Hey,"Zayn goes for a smile, giving Niall a sympathetic look seeing as he has had his arms full the last week. Being friends for as long as they have meant that neither man kept secrets from one another, and while one Dom was stressing over a sick little there was always the other to help him out, or in the latest case; A Naughty Little doing things he really shouldn't.

"Hey Zee,"Niall sighs a little, shifting Louis whenever Zayn is motioning for the two to enter."Where's Liam?"He asks, not spotting the other sub anywhere. Unless it was early morning - because really, who is a morning person? - Liam would be clinging to Zayns back.

"At work,"Zayn frowns, feeling a little sad to not have his submissive around him."But he'll be home soon enough, he's being over worked and needs time to relax. Harry will be coming around soon."Zayn informs, stroking a hand through Louis' fluffy pink hair whenever he rounds the pair.

Louis gives a squirm in Nialls arms, nuzzling closer into his Daddy's neck with a small whine. Zayn chuckles, fluffing of Louis' fresh pink hair even more so.

"Are you not going to say Hi to Zee?"Niall asks, bouncing Louis effortlessly.

"No."Louis replies grumpily.

"Only little boys that say Hi to their favourite uncle gets ice cream."Zayn whispers into Louis' hair, having to jump back whenever Louis' head whips up too fast at the mention of ice cream. Zayn and Niall laugh, the Daddy acceptingly setting Louis back onto the ground just to watch him turn into Zayns chest with a hug.

"Hi Zee!"He almost shouts, nosing at Zayns chest with a giggle.

"Hey Lou. I love your hair."He grins, sending Niall a look which grants him to leave to get the rest of the stuff from the car and go to the bathroom. He catches the thankful look, taking the purple backpack.

"You do?!"Louis pulls back a little so he can look at Zayns face, grinning from ear to ear. Chuckling, Zayn nods his head."Me too! It's so fluffy and soft and pretty! It's pink!"

"I see that!"Zayn adds the same amount of enthusiasm into his voice as Louis does."It's absolutely beautiful!"

"Thank you!"The little is blushing, giggling nervously as he plays with a button on Zayns shirt."Can I have ice cream now? Please?"He asks, peering up at Zayn through his eyelashes in an innocent gesture. He makes a show by rocking on the balls of his feet, moving his hands so that they were behind his back.

"Well of course!"Zayn grins, his hand out for Louis to take which the little does without hesitation."We have Vanilla, Caramel, Cookie Dough and Peanut Butter. Which would you like?"

"Cookie Dough and Vanilla please."Louis smiles, giggling whenever Zayn tickles his sides with a kiss to his forehead and a whisper of 'Of Course' before moving towards the freezer and letting the little take place on one of the breakfast bar stools."A-and Skittles for sprinkles please!"

"I'm sorry Lou, we don't have any skittles."Zayn frowns, pulling out the two tubs of ice cream and a plastic bowl and spoon for the little. Louis frowns, not liking the fact that they have no skittles; how dare they!"But we do have edible glitter!"

"Okay..."Louis says with some reluctant, watching as Zayn serves up the ice cream in a pink plastic bowl and a matching spoon. The Littles face brightens up whenever he sees the glitter on his ice cream."Thank you Zee!"

"You're welcome, sweetheart."Zayn smiles, already caught up in a different activity by the time that Niall is emerging into the Kitchen with a pack of beers and another bag filled with unidentifiable objects, most likely food for Louis and Liam.

"What are you feeding him?"Niall asks with a raised eyebrow, looking between his friend and his little who was sitting at the counter, swinging his feet from is high up position on the stool.

"Ice cream."Zayn shrugs.

"Ice cream? Zayn it's 11 in the morning!"

"It's never too early for ice cream,"

"I swear if he's bouncing off the walls later, it's all on you."

Please tell me your opinions!

I know, it has taken me ages to update and I'm sorry but I'm really trying!

What all do you want to happen at the get to together?




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