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If anyone reading likes Brallon, can you check out my Brallon book 'Brendon.' Please? (:


Louis wipes his nose with the back of his hand, hiccuping sobs as he sluggishly pulls his bubblegum pink suitcase out from under the bed of his bedroom/playroom, continuously having to stop and wipe at his eyes or under his nose every time he goes to unzip the small suitcase that he has had since before he even met Niall, nevermind live with him.

The last time Louis had packed this suitcase was when he was first staying the weekend with Niall, packed with a punch of old sweaters and pastel tutus, childhood Teddy bear called Charles tucked into the corner of the suitcase and a bunch of hidden little stuff in the inside compartment just in case. He was ecstatic but nervous for his first weekend stay with Niall, jumping up and down on the door step of his Mama's House with a bunch of nervous butterflies fluttering in his tummy.

They'd spent the weekend together, getting to know one another, watching films, cooking - which turned out terribly because Louis couldn't cook and Niall kept getting distracted - and out of relaxation and safety, Louis had slipped into his little space for the first time while being around Niall.

He packed for the weekend and never seemed to go home after that

"I don't wanna go,"Louis sniffles, bundling up his old sweaters and pastel coloured skirts, the ones he had brought over for that weekend. He tries his best to make it neat and tidy, failing in the process as he frustratedly throws the clothes into the suitcase, starting to cry all over again as he sits on the fluffy carpet for his playroom.

Daddy says that he's leaving, that he has to leave but Louis can stay. He made that very clear with his shouting and the use of the words 'See if I care' that was thrown around in their argument. But Louis doesn't want to be on his own, he can't even cook dinosaur nuggets or look after himself!

He doesn't want his Daddy to leave him!

But he doesn't want to leave either.

It's not as if he has a job to keep a hold of or a mass social life that will wither if he moves away but he does have a life. He has best friend living here, and as much as he doesn't see Liam as often it doesn't mean they aren't still best friends. Zayn still lives here too and he doesn't know what will happen if he doesn't get to eat Zayns cooking! And his family, because as much as they ended on bad terms, Louis doesn't want to not have them not far away.

"He c-can't make me go,"He rubs his face against the worn fur of Charles, a chocolate brown teddy bear with a missing glass eye, a red bow tied around his neck and a slant for a smile. He's missing part of his stuffing, leaving him a little shaggy looking but he's loved by Louis."B-but I don' wan' Daddy to leave me."

The little lets out a sob and hugs onto his old Teddy close to him. If he has to leave that means he ha to say goodbye to everything, including Skittles because Daddy will probably take all that away too when he moves. What's he supposed to do without Skittles?

"I don' wanna go back to Mama's house,"Louis sobs to Charles, laying on the carpeted floor with ten teddy bear clutched close and his thumb hanging in his mouth. He can feel the tears run down his cheeks and onto the carpet, making him cry just a little bit harder."She don't want me either. Nobody wants Louis..."

(; ̄ェ ̄)

It's nearly two hours later by the time Niall forces himself to go upstairs and check on Louis, after preparing himself with a mental talk and break down of their argument and how he should try again and approach the whole moving to Ireland situation. Also, apologise, a lot because as a Daddy, Niall can defiantly see where he went wrong with the whole ideal.

He has Skittles tucked under his arm as he checks each room, starting at the Master bedroom and then heading to Louis' playroom whenever the Master was clear of anyone in it. He's quiet as he opens the door, a sound of sadness leaving him whenever he peeks his head into the room and notices the messily, thrown together suitcase that lays open in the middle of the room, a bunch of super old clothing thrown into it.

"Oh, Lou..."Niall sighs whenever he spots Louis curled up in the middle of the room, his face tucked away into the old Teddy and little sniffles coming out of him every once in a while due to  falling asleep while crying. The sight breaks using heart, a blow to the stomach of how badly he handled the situation.

Entering the room, Niall closes the door behind him gently because making his way over to the obvious little on the floor, grabbing the duvet off of the bed on his way over. He drapes it over Louis' sleeping body before laying down himself on the soft carpeted flooring, pulling his little close to his side.

"I'm sorry, Little Bird. I'm only doing this for your own safety, baby."Niall whispers, kissing Louis' soft bubblegum hair and allowing his eyes to fall close, the familiar scent of apple shampoo filling his nose."I love you so much, baby boy."

"I love 'ou too, 'addy."Louis mumbles around his thumb, voice still thick with sleep as he moves closer to his Daddy because despite the argument, he knows his Daddy still loves him and he's not going to pass up an opportunity of cuddling with his Daddy."Don' leave me behind, please."

"I'm never going to do that, little bird. You're my number one priority, and that's why you have to believe me when I say that when we move, it's to keep you safe."Niall tries to explain a little gentler, kissing Louis' forehead again and rubbing his hands over the Littles bare arms.

"B-but my friends..."

"You'll see them again, I promise Baby."Niall reassures, humming a soft tune."We'll talk about this more tomorrow, okay sweetheart? I love you, Little Bird."

"I love you too, Daddy."

I know these are a lot shorter chapters but I'm trying to get these out quickly and I'm building up for bigger and more interesting chapters (:::

Please tell me your opinions!!

Do you guys think Harry is gonna move to Ireland as well?

When they move, do you think Louis should be able to get a pet? And if so, what type?


Peace ✌🏼️

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