"So long, best friend."

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"Did you guys hear? She's coming back," said Shikamaru while lighting up a cigarette and staring at the clouds above his head.

"Mmhum. Who can miss such a gossip? Everyone around school knows. They are waiting for her," said the prodigy, Hyūga Nejii. "I even hear Ino planning on skipping a day of class to prepare a welcome back party and such, you know how she gets."

"Hinata-chan said she even looks different and it's different."

"Maybe she's no longer into you, Uchiha."

"Hn. I can careless about her."

✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳ ✳

The pink haired girl was walking down the road, she was finally home after two years, she was back.

She can finally see her two best friends, no more miles between them. She can finally talk to them without waiting for the weekend to arrive so they can freely talk even with such different between the hours.

She was finally back.

"It's so good to be back, finally I'm free to be around Konoha."

She continue walking, making her way to the park where she was supposed to meet her two best friends, she was oddly smiling though she was curious of to why Ino wanted to meet her at the park and not a fancy restaurant or the mall, like peer usual. But maybe dating Shikamaru was taking a tool on her best friend life, she was happy to say the least.

She breath in and chuckle every time the leafs will crumble beneath her feet, the only odd satisfying crumble of the leafs was something she was so found of. Her tea was still being hold on her right hand and her book on her left one, her long pink longs was straight and barely touching her butt. Her sky-skinny blue jeans and her green long sleeved sweater were matching her flat boots that Ino send her a months ago. Her face held a small smile, and her nose would occasionally sniff due the slightly cold weather and her freckles were hidden behind her reading glasses.

But she may look the same.

But she was different, she did change.

She may still be the biggest nerd, like Ino call her. She may still love to play with Hinata's hair and talk nonetheless about books and new series. She may still call Naruto, Hinata's boyfriend from a year now, to ask how he was doing.

And she may still be humble, caring, sweet and such.

But she was now confident, she was brave and could stand up for herself. She was sassy when she needs to be and mother-like too.

But something else change . . .

She was no longer Sasuke Uchiha best friend.

I'm really sorry because I haven't upload recently, I'm sincerely and utterly sorry. Also I want to let you guys know that I'm open for more request, anytime soon. Just comment or let me know by PM.

Love you all and thanks for the support. Don't forget to vote!

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