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You stare at Papyrus. A little bit shocked. How can this fun loving skeleton have depression? Though if you know the story, it will probably make sense. And if he does, that would make sense on why he's drinking. You needed to know. Partially out of your own curiosity, and the rest of it being the fact that you want to help him. After all... That day when Undyne arrested your boss. You felt safe, comfortable, happy in his arms. Sure his voice was loud at first. But you never wanted it to end. Deep down. You were excited that Papyrus came to take you to his house that day you moved in with Undyne. You needed to return the favor.

You take a deep breath and look at Papyrus. He has his 'eyes' squinched shut and is facing away from you.

"It's okay Pap. Can you tell me why you think you have depression?" You say.

"Well..." He trailed off a bit. Looking at you. You smile. Prompting him to go on. He sighs.

"Frisk can do this thing called 'reset'. Where he can turn back time to when he first fell into the underground. My brother claims he and Frisk are the only ones who remember each reset. And in a sense he's right. But..."

You smile at Pap again. He smiles just slightly.

"But.. I remember.

"Frisk always had the option to kill us monsters. Sometimes he would only kill some, to make others happy. Some times he would kill us all. Other times (like this one) he would spare all of us and set us free.

"I remember one time Frisk killed a snowdrake for me cause it kept annoying me with puns!" Papyrus laughs a little. "Of course he will never kill Sans outside of a genocide run...." Papyrus seems to get a little sad at the thought of a genocide run.

"But that's beside the point! It's just. After each reset, Sans would get more and more nightmares. Making him more and more weary of Frisk. So when Frisk told him that this was the last reset. Sans almost cried he was so happy. And I was too. My brother would finally be happy.

"But even before Frisk. Sans wasn't exactly the happiest.

"Our father was the royal scientist before Alphys. And Sans would help him sometimes.... Almost all the time! It was the most he worked before I decided I wanted to be in the Royal Guard. But the stress would always come back with him. And considering he hung out with me afterwards. I imprinted a lot. But never let it show. I wanted Sans to be happy. So happy that I forgot to control my emotions entirely.

"All I focused on was making Sans the happiest monster in the Underground.

"Then our father died due to a miscalculation with an experiment of his.

"That was the first time I let tears fall since I was a toddler. Sans then made it his duty to make sure I stayed happy. Even if it meant his life.

"BUT I DIDN'T CARE FOR MY HAPPINESS! I CARED FOR HIS!" Papyrus shouted. He's getting angry. So as an instinct, you calmed him down.

"Calm down Pap. continue with the story."

He sighed and continued. "One day he got into a fight just to get my scarf back. I told him I cared more for my brother than a scarf. He could always make another one. The stress on him was so great that he started having nightmares. Every night.

"He just got so caught up in making me happy... He didn't notice he was killing himself. And neither did I.... Until it was too late.

"Sans went to get supper one night. He opened the door and fainted basically immediately. I freaked and called Alphys. She wasn't the royal scientist yet, but she was really good at healing. When she got there..." Papyrus stopped. You understand that the memory must be painful and didn't prompt him. You just take a sip of your water from the order Grillby finally brought over.

"When she got there... I was barely able to keep sans from turning to dust with the little healing magic that I knew at the time. She had me put sans on the couch so she could work on stabilizing him. When he was stable enough to be moved, I carried him all the way to her house. He spent three days unconscious.

"When he woke up.... I was so happy that I didn't hear Alphys come in. She explained to us that the stress Sans put himself through caused his HP to lower itself. And that she couldn't restore it even halfway. She could only bring it up to one.

"I tried to tell Sans that I would be okay. As long as he was alive. He agreed. But behind my back. He would threaten others with their lives for my happiness. He thought I didn't notice. But I did. I felt bad for those monsters. And I tried to apologize or my brother's actions. They would accept the food or gifts I would give them. But they would start avoiding me afterwards.

"I tried to talk to frisk about it. But I soon realized that my brother was always watching them since they first appeared.

"I didn't know why Sans could remember. I kind of passed it off as an effect from an experiment. But I never quite understood why I could remember. I soon passed it as my determination to make my brother happy.

"And since Frisk broke the barrier, Sans stopped having nightmares. But he started stressing about making a life up here on the surface. He got the money changed over as soon as possible. Applied for three jobs. And after getting a sufficient amount of money, bought our house. He then let go of two of his jobs. He works as the cashier in a game store.

"I got a job as soon as I could too. Sans told me not to worry about it. But I wanted to help. I stand outside of a coffee store with a sign trying to get passerbys' attention to buy something inside. When they heard the intensity of my voice, they almost hired me on spot.

"But as the years passed, I started growing more aware of my emotions. I mean by the third reset I started going to Grillby's late at night to let my stress out by drinking. And surprisingly, Grillby remembers too. He says it's because he used to know our father. Helped with a few experiments here and there. But I didn't care. He could remember. And that gave me someone to talk to. And he would listen.

"When you stopped coming because of money. I realized that I needed help because something was wrong. I told Grillby and he said that I might have depression. He suggested I go see a therapist. But I couldn't. If Sans found out..." Papyrus trailed off.

"You'd have some serious explaining to do?" You asked. Thinking that's the reason why.

Papyrus nodded. "Me and Grillby both. Then you gave me your offer of just talking. And I kind of figured you wouldn't tell Sans. But I wasn't too sure. That's why I started talking to you by just the smaller things. And I grew to liking to hear your voice. So I found any reason to call. Your voice, presence, anything about you.... Makes the depression subside a bit.... And.... I want to feel like that all the time." Papyrus finished off with a sigh and smiles at you.

"Oh Pap! Of course I'll help you! You are my friend after all!" You say. Smiling back.

He seems to lighten up a bit. "REALLY?! YOU WILL HELP THE GREAT PAPYRUS?!"

You giggle. Still finding it hard to believe he has depression. But after hearing that story. You believe it with all your heart! "Of course! I'm determined to make you truly happy!"

Papyrus gasps and pulls you into a tight skeleton hug. "THANK YOU!!!!"

You giggle. "Your welcome Papy!"

"OH! THAT REMINDS ME!" Papyrus lets you go and places a hand on your shoulder. "WHY DID YOU THANK ME EARLIER IN THE PARK?"

You sigh. This isn't a story you like to tell others. Only you, yourself, and your reflection. "It's complicated Pap..." You trail off a bit. Hoping Pap would understand.

Unfortunately for you. He doesn't. "PLEASE?" He gives you the best puppy dog eyes that he can. And you give in.

"Okay..... But your going to have to keep quiet and listen to me now alright?"







*cue alien music*

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