Michael Clifford-One Shot

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My first one shot, I hope that you guys enjoy! Let me know if you want more! -Charlie:)


The wind whistled. It’s a funny way to start my story, with a metaphor. But that’s what it was like, on this faithful night, the wind seemed to whistle. It was an average working day for me, working the corner; I’d waited for about ten minutes before he came. I’d heard about him before, you wouldn’t expect him to be the kind of guy that required my services, but yet he was. With every step he took, his pace quickened, I guess that he didn’t want to be seen around here, where as it was my ideal spot.

“Room 48” He pointed to the sky room hotel, I’d had clients there before, but not for a while. I nodded to let him know that I was interested.

“Five minutes” With that he walked away, disappearing through the hotel doors. As I slowly made my way towards them, I started thinking about the endless possibilities of names, which I could choose. You see, I never use my real name, where’s the fun in that? I don’t want them to know my name, one rule and one rule only; I never spend the night with someone twice. Today I was on to the letter ‘h’, perhaps I could go with Heidi? Or Helen? Maybe even Hannah? As these options crossed my mind, I realised that I was already at the bottom of the stairs. I never use the lift, that’s another important thing about me, they always expect you to use the lift, so why should I? The aim of the game is for everyone to know you, but at the same time you remain completely hidden. That way you don’t see the same client twice. Those are my rules, and my rules only, and I abide by them. It wasn’t long before I took the all familiar route of walking through the hotel’s corridors in search of this particular room. It was at the very top floor, I’d only ever been to the second floor before, and I charge three digit numbers, so the rooms aren’t often fancy, but for some strange reason, this one was. I’m confident at this game, I don’t play around, I charge by the hour, so each hour must be satisfying. I’ve received many compliments in my time, and requests to be seen again, yet I always refuse. There had been words said about this particular guy, he was good and in some ways intriguing. Many others I know had fallen under his spell before, a naturally charming guy; it was finally my turn to find out what all of the commotion has been about.

As I knocked on the door, I subconsciously patted my hair down, this guy chose me for one reason, and that’s all I’m here for, so I must look my best in order to receive the same amount of effort in return. The door opened and I saw his face again, I was soon to be ushered into his room, it was rather large, his room that is, we hadn’t gotten that far yet. There were several suitcases darted around the room, far too much luggage for one person, so he can’t be on his own. A slight tap on my shoulder caused me to turn around.

“Can I know your name?”

“You can know my name for today”

“But not you real name?”

“It wouldn’t be a game if you used your real name”

“So what is today’s name?”
“Today’s name begins with an h”

“I don’t want your name to begin with an h”

“Then choose me a name”

“Jessica, you look like a Jessica”

“Then Jessica it shall be, and what do you go by?”

“If I told you I wouldn’t be playing the game” He took a confident stride towards me and planted a soft peck onto my lips, one that I rather enjoyed.

“And I like games” He continued, trailing soft pecks down my neck until he reached my jacket, slowly sliding it off and continued placing kisses on my shoulder. Then he stopped, our eyes interlocked, as he started lowering my dress. I allowed him to do this, he seemed to want dominance, and that’s what I provided for him. Our lips met again, but this time they were slightly more forceful, as his hands roamed the space on my back, and his fingers intertwined with my bra straps, closely followed by the clasps being forced open, it was a matter of moments before the warmth of his hands met my breasts. Our kiss continued, and slowly, it became more passionate, tilting my head slightly to the side, he took this as an opportunity to deepen it further. As we parted for breath, my hands touched the soft fabric of the bottom of his t-shirt; I slowly forced the material up and over his head. His hand clasped around my chin, forcing me to look upwards, only to see his head moving towards mine, this time however, he inserted his tongue in my mouth slightly, allowing me to have an insight of what was to come, or as I like to put it, a tease. I soon found my pants to be around my ankles, I kicked my heels of, and they flew to the other side of the room.

“Well, would you look at that I’m naked and you’re not”

“We can soon change that” He held onto my wrists and guided them to the belt of his jeans; I slowly unbuckled it before he guided me to the waistband, which I pulled down without hesitation. My instant reaction was to pull his boxers down in one swift movement, but two large hands refrained me from doing that.

“Patience” He whispered into my ear as his lips attacked it, he nibbled slightly onto my earlobe, which caused me to let out an inaudible moan.

“Now then Jessica, would you accompany me to my bed?”

“Why good sir, I’d be delighted” He held his hand out, which I gladly accepted, he guided me to the edge of his bed, where I sat down, and watched him remove his boxers. If I was to remember one thing from this night, it was that his room was not the only thing that was big. He loomed over me, forcing me to lay backwards onto the bed, without warning he slammed into me. My entire body went into shock, but only for a second, as he started placing soft kisses on my neck again. He repeated this process again and again, when he soon ran out of breath, I seized the opportunity to flip him around, straddling him, he looked slightly amused, like he didn’t expect me to do something of the sort, his facial expression changed drastically as I forced him inside me again. After a few short, but incredibly audible moans, his load was released inside me, it was then that I pulled myself off of him and collapsed centimetres away. His strong arms forced me onto his chest, his heart rate slowly decreased and stuck to a regular pace.

“So, Jessica, will I have the endearing pleasure of seeing you again?”

“As endearing as it would be, no”

“Then it was an honour to be a part of your game” He sat up, which caused me to join him. Reluctantly, I picked up my items of clothing and put them back on, I was aware that I was not as presentable as I was when I arrived, but my shift was now over, and it was time to collect my wages.

“Until we meet again” He handed me a brown envelope, which contained the after math of my day’s work.


“Michael, my name’s Michael”

“Goodbye, Michael” That was my first encounter with him, and yet I tried for it to be my last. Although in some games, people cheat.

Michael Clifford-One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now