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~Devin POV

I was laying on the usual sofa, looking at the ceiling, hoping she gets better. It Will Rain by Bruno Mars was playing through my headphones,  don't judge I'm in my feelings. Two girls came in rushing, as soon as they saw Selah, the darker one broke down in tears, the one next to her hugged her, she walked to the bed, I stopped her.

"Wait don't go so close" I said and she looked back at me.

"What? Why?" She replied through the tears.

"You might hurt her, she is so vulnerable" I glanced back at the bed.

"We are supposed to interact with her, so she can wake up" the other girl said.  I just nodded and they  went next to Selah, held her hand and started talking, I had one of my headphones on, I went through my messages to see what I've missed.

"Hey.. um what are your names?" I asked.

"I'm Avi" the one holding Selah's hand said.

"I'm Tinashe" the one behind her said.

"Ok, I'm Devin, um I'm going to see how the other guys are, please take care of her" I said as I stood up,  my legs weak due to be sitting there for hours. They both nodded and I walked out of the room to the big hallway. Next to Selah's was Kev and Maria's room, they are okay now so they asked if they could be together.

Kev and Maria were in their beds while Daniel was sitting in the sofa on his iPhone, and some girl was in the chair next to Maria's bed. I waved to everyone then walked to Kev.

"Hey Kev wassup, how you feelin' " I tried to shake hands with him, then remembered his broken arm. I looked at his eyes trying to not bust out then we both laughed.

"I'm good, just my arm, they said I'll be out in a couple of days" he said, adjusting his bed so now he's sitting. I looked at Maria who was talking to a girl.

"Lit, how 'bout you Maria" I asked as she adjusted hers too.

"I'm better, but my leg" she said taking the covers off her leg, showing me her case. I looked at the girl, I don't know her but I feel like I've seen her before. Everyone notices my staring and they chuckle.

"Do I know you?" I ask her.

"I'm Alora" she says "And yes, we go to the same school"

"Let me fill you in since you have been locked in Selah's for the past days" Maria says. "So sir Daniel here" she pointed to him and he looked up, walked and sat on the chair next to Alora "was seeing a girl, and didn't tell us until now that they're dating" we all looked at Daniel.

"Wha- why?"

"Becaaause, you guys love to embarrass me and I thought y'all would scare her away, but she ended up being crazier than y'all" he laughed and we all looked at him. "Okay I'm sorry guys" we all nodded.

We talked for a little and I decided to go back to Selah's to check on her, when I walked in Avian was sitting next to Selah's bed and Tinashe wasn't in the room.

"Hey" I said low.

"Hey" she answered, her voice cracking. I sat in the sofa "My mom is here to pick us up, I'm going to get Tina, she's in the cafeteria" she said standing up, holding Selah's hand tight then letting it go and taking her bag.
"Ok bye" I said.

"Bye" she mumbled as she exited the room.

I'm left alone again, I glanced at Selah, I really want to go closer, but I'm afraid. I walked to the bed and sat on the chair next to her bed. I held her hand tight and placed my head next to her body. "Selah, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" my eyes started watering "for everything. I know I was an asshole to you, but I changed, I want you to see that, please wake up. Please" I sniffed. I kept repeating 'please' while my eyes were getting heavier.

Momma Shana POV

I walked in Selah's room with food and Devin's clothes. I saw him there, he fell asleep next to Selah, holding her hand, I know he likes her even tho he tries to hide it. I give him some time alone with her and leave the room.

Devin POV

I woke up feeling a hand caress my hair, I quickly look up. "Selah!" I said in enthusiasm.

"That's my name" she chuckled.

"How are you feeling?" I quickly asked.

"I'm a little exhausted and my body hurts" she said.

"Ok" I said smiling.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked frowning. I nodded and held her hand. "Who are you?"

Whaaaaaaaa 😭😭 lmao imma update later,  I hope y'all liked it. Love you guys.

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