Chapter 2: Weakness

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Today was another day in your assassination classroom.

Koro-sensei out relaxing in the woods, behind the school, reading a North American news paper and a drink from Hawaii. You and Nagisa were helping Sugino try his own style of assassination: throwing a baseball with anti-teacher BBs embedded to all sides of it.

"Just as reported. Arigato, Nagisa, (Y/N)," Sugino thanked you.

"Your welcome, Sugino. Ganbarou," you told him with a thumbs up. You saw him smile a bit, and he faced Nagisa.

"Yeah. Ganbatte, Sugino," Nagisa said.

"You got it. That ten billion yen is mine!" Sugino cried out with confidence. He got into a baseball stance, readying his position. Sugino threw the baseball with all his might, straight at Koro-sensei's head. Just as the ball was about to hit him, you heard someone greet the three of you.

"Ohayogozaimasu! Remember, speak up when you greet someone!"

You turned around to see Koro-Sensei right behind you. You were surprised to see him there, and when you looked back at the chair, a massive dust cloud appeared. You started, "G-Good morning...Koro-sensei..."

"Embedding those anti-me BBs into a baseball? That's a clever idea! It wouldn't create loud sound an air gun would. However, I had all this time to kill waiting for the ball to arrive, and my cells would fall apart if those BBs directly hit my skin. I went over to the equipment room to grab a glove," he explained, pointing at the baseball steaming on the old, dirty glove.

Sugino was surprised, and Nagisa had a deadpanned expression on his face. Koro-sensei began to walk away, telling you to get ready for homeroom. Sugino was disappointed that his ball wouldn't do the trick of killing the target. The expression on his face was kind of depressing to look at. But the three of you made it to class, getting ready for your new lessons.

"Ne, Nagisa, Sugino's plan didn't work, huh?" You heard Kayano chatting with Nagisa during your studies. You began to eavesdrop on them.

"Yeah...he's been down in the dumps ever since this morning," Nagisa replied. You saw that Sugino was still on about it. It was pretty obvious by the expression on his face.

"It's nothing to get bummed out about...I mean, no one in the class has succeeded in yet," Kayano added. Just then, Koro-sensei sped to one of the desks and grabbed a notebook from Sugaya, leaving most of you surprised.

"Sugaya-kun!" He called out, looking at the notebook. He continued, "Very close! But my features are a bit finer than that."

He revealed what was inside the notebook. It was a sketch of Koro-sensei, but it had red pen over it, revealing a weird face on his head. At the top, it read: "REALLY observe your subjects!" Though, the drawing didn't look any better. The bell began to ring.

As Koro-sensei opened a nearby window he began to let the class know what he was doing, "Now then, class, I have some business to take care of today, so if you'll excuse me..."

"Business?" You wondered.

"Hai. I'm catching a game in New York," he answered and left the room in a flash, leaving another dust cloud. Some of you were annoyed with his departure.

"It would be nice if he at least brought some souvenirs for us," Kurahashi said, as she was fixing her school bag in front of the class. Though, who would want souvenirs from their target? But that topic was the talk of the class. What would he bring back? Who knows? Maybe booze or snacks, as the other students thought.

"Karasuma-san brought (Y/N) here, so maybe Koro-sensei will bring a blonde beauty!" The perverted Okajima said while drooling.

You walked up to Okajima and slapped him on the back of his head, including some other boys, calling him a pervert. You began to scold them, while giving them a dark glare. You heard Karasuma speaking while you were ranting on about being a pervert, "(Y/N), stop scolding them. I want to talk with the class."

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