Chapter 5: Poisonous Assemblies

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After Irina joined the assassination classroom, it has been fun. Your conversational skills had gotten better, and you could understand what others are saying. Sure, she'd try to kill Koro-sensei from time to time, but then again, she was a great teacher.

. . .

You were preparing for a surprise attack, one where Okajima, Maehara, and Mimura tries to attack Koro-sensei before he prepared your small lab. They hid behind the doors and pedestal. As he walked through, all of them acted out as planned. They'd miss, and your teacher would place all the pieces of your lab together. But they were all tired once it was ready, and they were panting in front of the classroom.

"He seriously prepared the lab while dodging all those stabs..." Maehara said, out of breath.

"It was worth a shot. You okay, Maehara?" Isogai asked him.

He answered, "Yeah...yeah I'm fine..."

"A sneak attack like that isn't gonna cut it," Karma said. You nervously chuckled.

You sat down, across from Karma and next to Okuda. The school bell began to ring, and class began. Koro-sensei was teaching the class on how to work with artificial colors with your snacks that the students bought.

Though, while you were doing that, you noticed that Okuda wasn't so into the experiment. She looked sort of down, even though chemistry was her favorite subject. But you did notice that she was making something else other than the snack experiment.

"Okuda? Are you alright?" You nudged her a bit with your elbow.

"Oh no, I'm fine. It's just that..."she trailed off.

"That what?"

"It's just that I want to try poisoning Koro-sensei with these chemical mixtures. But I'm not sneaky like you guys..." she said, with a crestfallen look on her face. You felt a bit sorry for her. She isn't very good at talking, nor she is good at being sneaky like the rest of the class. But she was good at chemistry, and you understood that.

"Why don't you walk up there and give it to him? Maybe he'll drink it." You grinned, jokingly.

Okuda looked at her three bottles, and she sighed. "Maybe he won't, though."

In class, a large gasp of awe went around the classroom. Koro-sensei had already soaked a piece of string in bright red colors.

"Alright! With that, our experiment to extract artificial color from junk food..." Koro-sensei then used Mach 20 speed to steal all of the snacks. "Was a success! I'll take care of the leftovers."

He then sped out of the class and placed them in a hiding spot where the students couldn't find them.

"Koro-sensei, we bought those ourselves!" The class shouted.

"What the hell!" You shouted. Why is a dangerous creature like him living on paychecks?

Soon enough, you saw Okuda get up in her seat, hands behind her back. In her hands were the three poisonous bottles.

"So, she's really doing it, huh?" Karma told you. He overheard your mini conversation. How sly of him.

"A-Ano...Sensei..." Okuda started.

"Can I help you, Okuda-san?" Koro-sensei asked.

She took the bottles out from her back and showed it to him. "This is poison! Please drink it!"

The whole class just stared at her with grins or shocked expressions.

"This is certainly a straightforward assassination attempt, Okuda-san," he told her.

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