Chapter 17: Monster Makeup

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A/N: This is Chapter 37 in the manga if anyone wants to read it. And I'm currently on a trip, which is why both chapter 16/17 were updated on the same day :)

"Ah...we can finally wear our summer uniforms..." you stretched in your seat with a smile on your face.

"Skin is such a dazzling color...this time of the year is harsh for us boys," you heard Okajima say in such an infatuated way.

"That won't do at all! You mustn't let the season of exposed bodies distract you!" said Koro-sensei, who had a blank-white look on his face. He was also holding a porno mag in his tentacle hands.

"You're the one to talk, Hentai~pus," you bluntly stated.

The sliding door opened.

"Oh! I hadn't accounted for the fact that we'll be wearing short-sleeved uniforms starting today."

Sugaya had walked through, but everyone in the class had noticed something very different about him.

He had a wicked tattoo all over his arm.

"I didn't want this left arm, which was sealed by the gods, to be revealed," he mischievously said.

Clearly, everyone in the class, including Koro-sensei, was surprised by what the hell he had done to his arm, which had markings all over it. It was a tattoo. You walked up to him and grabbed his arm. You took one good look at it, and noticed that it wasn't a real one.

"It's a pretty good design," you said, then looked up at him with a smirk, "for a painted on tattoo, that is."

Sugaya pulled his arm back. He began to laugh, "Eh? So you figured it out? As expected of (Y/N), haha."

Everyone began to take a look. They noticed that it was also painted on, and they all calmed down.

"This is called a Henna Tattoo," explained Sugaya. "Once you've set the pigment, it can't come off for about a week or so."

Karma interjected, "That's something they do in India, right?"

"Oh, that's right! You're parents are crazy about India, isn't that right, Karma-kun?" You questioned him.

He placed his hands on the back of his head. "Yup. They come back with Henna Tattoos every time they travel there."

Koro-sensei, who had a massive pile of books labeled with the words "Delinquent" and "Counseling" surrounding him, had felt relieved. It seemed that he was worried about appearances with the students, and hoped you weren't going to be bad students.

"S-Sensei is glad that none of the s-students are turning into d-delinquents!" Koro-sensei sputtered in fear.

You all sweat dropped. "As usual, Koro-sensei is a real chicken about this stuff..."

Sugaya began to rummage through his bag. He took out two extra pens full of the Henna paint, and faced Koro-sensei.

"If you'd like, should I draw some on you too, Koro-sensei?" Sugaya asked for permission to draw on him.

"Nyuuaah?! Would you really?!" Koro-sensei gasped in an thrilled tone. "Can you demonstrate it?"

Sugaya nodded and he took out a little piece of paper. He squeezed the pen, and the red paint slowly oozed out, as if it were frosting being decorated on a cake.

"It's like painting with melted chocolate," said Nakamura. Sugaya began to paint on your teacher's face.

"I'm really looking forward to it," said Koro-sensei. "I've always wanted a pseudo-tattoo like this!"

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