Chapter 11: Ritsu

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"What did they do to this...?" You asked yourself as you walked into the class, noticing that the casing was larger than the day before. As other students in the class came in with you, they were surprised.

You approached it, along with Nagisa and Sugino, who trailed behind you.

The screen, which now reached down to the floor, flashed on. "Ohayogozaimasu, min'na-san!"

"Eh? EHHH?!" You, Nagisa, and Sugino were shocked.

Artillery's avatar looked and acted totally different.

Her whole body was shown with the Kunugigaoka Junior High School uniform. She had the same lilac colored hair, but her eyes were an indigo color that faded into a light blue instead of red. Her personality was more cheerful and happy, and not so emotionless as before.

The background had clean, cut grass and potted flowers with bushes. There were trees behind some kind of fence. Her setting looked like a mansion's garden.

"What beautiful weather we're having!" She cheerfully exclaimed. "Oh, good morning, Koro-sensei!"

Koro-sensei came up from behind the three of you to explain some things, "I gave her a full LCD body along with a uniform modeling-software so that she can foster closeness with you all."

"And how did you do this?" You asked him, sweat dropping with Nagisa and Sugino.

"I made it all myself for 6,006,000¥*," said Koro-sensei.

"I'm so glad that I will be able to spend time with you all!" Artillery said, parting her hair behind her ear, with the "wind" blowing around her.

"Rich, cooperative expressions along with the memory and RAM to make this: another 11,003,000¥*!" Koro-Sensei added. "All I have in my wallet is 5¥*!"

The machine has taken a really weird turn. You were surprised that Koro-sensei had done this instead of your mother and father. But it was better to have a nice, harmless AI than having a emotionless, pellet spamming, robo-killer.

Soon enough, everyone in the class had arrived with surprised look on their faces. They liked the new upgrades rather than the old features that she had.

"The plants in the garden are growing up nicely," Artillery told you with a soft smile. She had a bird sitting on her hand, and everyone who was in their seats were staring at her with awe.

Okajima exclaimed, "She got so cute overnight! Did you do this, (Y/N)?"

"N-No. It was all Koro-sensei..." you answered him.

"That is the fixed artillery...right?" Mimura wondered as he sweat dropped.

Terasaka didn't care. He began to rant, "The hell? All of you are being decieved. Those are just some programs that octopus put in 'er. It might act nice, but a machine is a machine. That machine is gonna be totally clueless when it attacks...dumb box of bolts."

The background of Artillery-san's screen turned grey. She turned her screen towards Terasaka with a sad look on her face.

"I understand how you feel, Terasaka-san. I was like that...until yesterday," she said. Her eyes were glassy, and her cheeks were a bright shade of red. "Box of bolts...I-I don't know what to say..."

Two large tears poured down her cheeks, and she began to weep. It also began to rain on the screen.

Kataoka walked up to her and faced Terasaka with a disappointed look her face. She had a large frown on her face, and her arms were as crossed as her feelings.

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