Chapter 8: Kyoto

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"This might be a good spot to kill Koro-sensei," Sugino said, holding up a map.

All seven of you were on a bridge, looking at a large building. Nagisa asked him if the snipers would see it, then he began to look around for a place where a sniper could be.

"This is a weird field trip," Kayano said.

"It really is. But it's fun," Nagisa told her with a grin.

You began to whine, "We're here in Kyoto, and all I want is some mochi, takoyaki, yakisoba, dango, dumplings--why can't we have a normal class trip with food instead of assassination...?"

"Right?!" Kayano agreed with you. Both if your mouths began to water as you imagined how good the food would be if you ate them in the city.

Okuda suggested, "Then why don't we put some poison in them?"

Kayano was shocked. She wouldn't want to eat food with poison in them. Karma thought it was a good idea to poison him with some of the famous local foods, which made her even more surprised.

"What a waste of deliciously good dumplings!" Kayano cried.

But then Kanzaki wondered if there were only a poison that would work on him. Sugino began to lighten up the mood, "Y'know, I wanted to forget about assassination. I mean, really, what does any of these sights have to do with it?"

"You would be surprised," said Nagisa.

He decided to show the group an area where an assassination took place. You took a bus to the Inoshikacho Sushi-Go-Round restaurant, where a little temple and stone stood next to it. On the stone read: "Here marks where Ryoma Sakamoto and Shintaro Nakaoka met with disaster."

"This is where Omiya was, the inn where Sakamoto was assassinated in 1867," Karma explained while you were looking at the stone. Nagisa then explained to you that if you walked a little further, you may make it to Honniju Temple, even though it's location has shifted a couple times.

"Oda Nobunaga's death was a kind of assassination, too!" you exclaimed.

"It's surprising that in just this one kilometer, some assassinations have went down that have received big names," Nagisa mentioned.

Kyoto has always been the heart of Japan and it's always been the mecca of assassination. Now that you think about it, it's all an assassination vacation. If you kill Koro-sensei, it will go down in history, and it will be a textbook target.

"Next is Yasaka Shrine!" Okuda announced.

"Can we take a break? I want some Kyoto coffee," Karma said. You and Kayano wanted some too, since you needed一more like wanted一some energy for the rest of the day.

"Sure thing. You guys get your drinks, and we'll keep going afterwards," Sugino told you. You kept walking towards the nearest café.

You began to laugh at Kayano, who had sparkling eyes and a watering mouth as we approached a café. But you felt something behind you. It was strange, but you decided to ignore your instincts for now and have fun for the day.

"Where are we going after this?" You asked your group. Kayano and Karma left to get their coffee. Kayano was also getting yours, since she wanted to do it for you.

Kanzaki answered you with her usual smile, "We're going to Gion. I checked that the other half of it seemed abandoned, and it could be a perfect place to assassinate Koro-sensei, with a good spot for snipers."

"Sounds like a good plan," you said.

"Yup. That's our Kanzaki-san alright!" Kayano beamed.

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