Chapter 7: Train Ride

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"Nagisa-kun! Can I be in your group?!" You begged, slamming your hands against his desk.

"Group? What do you mean?" Nagisa asked you.

Kayano walked up next to him, a book in her hand. She asked him with a small smile, "Have you already forgotten? We have a class trip next week!"

"Honestly, who has a class trip this early in Year 3? I cannot say I approve," you heard Koro-sensei exclaim.

You turned around to see him in a apprentice geisha, which sort of looked good on him. But he was definitely into the trip. He changed into his sensei clothes, scratching his head sheepishly, and said, "Well, I can't deny it now. I can hardly wait to go on this trip with you."

You, Nagisa, and Kayano sweat dropped.

-Mini Flash-Back-

During P.E, Karasuma was informing all the students on how they will assassinate Koro-sensei on the trip. You sat down in front of him, listening and asking questions.

"As you all know, next week is our two-night school trip to Kyoto. Not to put a damper on your excitement, but you're still on duty for assassination," he told the class.

"You mean we can assassinate him there?" Okano asked him.

He replied, "Exactly. Kyoto is far bigger and more complex than this school. So, you will be moving in groups that he'll be following. Kyoto was an ideal location for snipers, and the government has already arranged them for you."

-Mini Flash-Back End-

Karasuma had told the class that if the sniper kills Koro-sensei, they get half of the ten billion based on the degree of their contribution. You would have to pick assassination-friendly tour routes.

"School trip groups, huh?" Nagisa questioned, holding a sheet of paper.

"So, can I please be in your group? You're the only one who I can ask," you told them.

Your hands were on your hips, and you looked behind to glare at all the students who tried to get you into their force. Kayano and Nagisa sweat dropped when all the the others looked slightly frightened. Sugino's eyes brightened. He said, "Yes! I'd--I mean--W-We'd love to have you in our group!"

"Sugino, arigato!" you thanked him with a grin. His cheeks turned pink and he chuckled nervously.

"We were going to invite you anyways, (Y/N)," Kayano added with a smile.

"We need another person in our group," Nagisa said. You and him faced Karma, who was looking out a window, not paying any attention to you.

"Ne, Karma-kun! Do you want to join our group?" You asked him.

He turned to face you with his usual smile. "Hmm? Okay."

"Are you sure about that, Karma? You won't be pickin' fights and getting in trouble, right?" Sugino questioned him.

He replied with a "no problem". He explained, with a picture in his hand, that if he fights offsite, he makes sure to silence any witnesses. So, everything says "hush-hush".

You looked at th picture. In the photo, it had him between two students, smiling brightly in front of a temple. One of the students he was between, was a girl with a worried look, the other was a boy with a beat-up face. When you looked up at Karma, he had a devious smile, and his eyes slanted. Your small group could just imagine him with horns and a tail.

"Oi! We cannot let him into our group!" Sugino exclaimed with a panicked expression.

"Well, he is an old friend..." Nagisa said, sweat dropping.

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