Chapter 22: Finals

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All these questions were easy for you, but you were still rough around the edges. There were many questions that your classmates can answer as well, some you believe that can top the Virtuosos.

Some stories which you recognized were in the text, "The Catcher in the Rye" by Salinger or "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The school came up with extremely fine questions, since they cite famous literature, and they'll want the scoring standard to include how much a student read and see how adaptable they can be. If they didn't answer in the same rough-hand concise style as the source text, they'd probably lose points for it.

The monsters were defeated by your classmates, one by one, and you would often help out with some of the bigger ones to aid them. You had all the weapons for the test that you needed, however, you would let yourself go by a few, tiny points to give credit to your class. You wanted them to feel great during the tests, and you believed in them.

"Nagisa, Nakamura-san, good job!" you said, as the both of them finished off a monster. You saw Seo with his golden hammer, like yours, glaring at you three. You grinned. "I guess you didn't have a lot of friends overseas, huh, Seo?"

Nakamura joined in, "Like an octopus who practically pushed books onto you?"

You snickered, then went on to the science section. A bunch of students was having their asses handed to them, and you saw Koyama with a staff in his hand.

"Hahaha! Science is all about memorization!" he boasted, firing at a large knight of a question. The armor couldn't come off and it came for the boy. He was surprised. "I know I memorized this!"

You then saw Okuda riding on the shoulder of a knight without its helmet. "Well, real science isn't any fun if it's just memorization. Science loves when you tell it--in words--that you know what it is."

The soldier she was riding on stripped off its armor and rode off into the distance.

"Koyama, why don't you try what she did?" you called out to him, and you saw sweat beads dancing around his head.

You had grabbed your wand, and you answered the question that showed up before you, causing the soldier to strip as well. You then did that with many of the other soldiers that were ahead of you and created an army of them.

Next, you went on to the next subject, social studies. You switched your weapon to a long sword, and you spotted Araki in a ditch fighting off a tank monster.

"'How many times did the Tokyo International Conference on African Development meet?'" you said, seeing the question before you. You smiled. "Six times, of course. 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, and 2016."

You defeated many more of them and saw Isogai and some others defeat the tank monsters of their own as well.

Soon, you saw many shoguns fighting off some more students, whose weapons had been a naginata: a staff with a curved blade at the end of it. Your next subject was Japanese class, and you saw some poems that you recognized in the text. You saw Kanzaki handle it with grace, and defeat it with cherry blossom petals floating around her. Sakakibara seemed to have no trouble with it, however.

As you passed the poetry and Japanese section, you finally made it to the math portion of the final exam. There, you saw Akabane Karma and Asano Gakushuu facing each other. During the math section on the midterms, Karma came in second while you were third but close to him. As you were taking the test, you noticed that everyone except you and Karma was struggling in math. Your weapons had turned into assault rifles.

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