Chapter 20: Betrayal

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"Guys, come look at this! Something happened to the pool!"

Everyone in the E-Class had arrived at the pool. The pool had trash, garbage, and random items in it, ruining the environment around it.

"It's all busted up..." said Maehara.


You walked up to the edge of the pool, and picked up a piece of trash. "This is no good. We have to clean it up."

You noticed Nagisa looking in a certain direction, and you trailed your eyes to see the No-Good Trio; Terasaka, Yoshida, and Muramatsu.

"Uh-oh, what a bummer~" said Yoshida, a sly smirk plastered on his face.

Muramatsu turned to him. "No big loss, you know? I mean, pools are a pain in the ass."

They saw you and Nagisa staring at them. Terasaka, with smug, curled lips, came down towards the two of you.

"The hell are you starin' at, Nagisa, (Y/N)?" Terasaka asked. He approached the both of you, but grabbed Nagisa's shirt collar with anger. "What, do you think it was us? Finding the culprits ain't gonna get ya' anywhere."

Koro-sensei came up behind the three of you. "That is true. Finding the culprits won't do anything."

He then cleaned up the pool with his Mach Speed to pick up the trash and clean the pool. Once he was finished, the pool was clean once more.

"There you have it, min'na-san!" Koro-sensei announced.

"Arigato, Koro-sensei!"

As the students cheered, and shot Koro-sensei with a water gun, you saw the trio's deadpanned expressions. They were suddenly angry and disappointed. The three of them left the scene, leaving both you and Nagisa to be curious to what their intentions were.

"Guys, what do you think of Terasaka-kun?" You asked Nagisa, Karma, and Sugino as you were walking back to the classroom.

"What about him?" Sugino wondered.

"Well," you started, "those three, Muramatsu, Yoshida, and Terasaka, haven't been active in studying nor assassination ever since Koro-sensei came around."

"Terasaka is usually irritated, so it's most likely that he was the main culprit to the pools destruction," Nagisa explained.

Sugino sighed, resting his hands against the back of his head. "Just leave them be, (Y/N), Nagisa. People like him who never give up bullying are such killjoys..."

Karma snickered with a smirk plastered on his face. "I think it's a waste to not enjoying yourself in a classroom where you can kill a teacher~"

You, Nagisa, and Sugino sweat dropped as you arrived at the classroom. Yoshida was talking to Koro-sensei about motorcycles, and it seemed like Yoshida was enjoying himself when you entered.

As they were talking, you saw, in the corner of your eye, Terasaka talking with Muramatsu outside the class. Just then, Terasaka was throwing him against a tree, holding a slip of paper in his hands. He began to walk inside, just as Koro-sensei brought in a brown motorcycle model for Yoshida.

"Whoa, are you serious, Koro-sensei?!" Yoshida beamed before him.

Koro-sensei then informed him, "I saw that you were looking at this type of stuff in a magazine, so I took the scrap wood that was in the pool and made my own!"

"It's just like the real thing!" Yoshida was incredibly happy, until Terasaka walked into the classroom.

"What're you doing, Yoshida?" asked Terasaka, tick marks forming on his temples.

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