Chapter 10: The Machine

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"(Y/N) dear, would you please come down here?"

You heard your mother calling for you inside their personal lab. It was in your basement underneath the neighborhood, but it was still intact for legal use.

"Hai? What do you need?" You questioned her, opening the door to the basement.

"Your papa has just received his new machine to kill your teacher," your mother told you with her calm personality.

Your father noticed you going down the stairs to the basement. "Chibi-chan, look, it's here!"

"I told you not to call me that--whoa..." You saw a large, black rectangular casing in the middle of the room. It had a video screen on the top half of it. "What is this?"

You touched the box. It was metallic. You felt gears moving around and energy pulsing from the inside. It was a robotic casing. It stood on a metal plate. A second later after you examined it, the screen turned on, and the face of a girl appeared on screen. She had lilac colored hair, and dark, maroon eyes.

"Ohayogozaimasu, (D/N)-sama," said the girl, who seemed to have no emotion whenever she spoke.

"'(D/N)-sama'?" You blurted out in confusion.

"That's right, Chibi-chan. This is the 'Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery' that I helped program in Norway!" Your father exclaimed. Your mother walked up next to him, wrapping her arm against his, as if she was proud.

"It's a new kind of machine to help kill... Koro-sensei..." she told you with a nervous smile. You were guessing that she wasn't comfortable using his name like that.

"It's kind of weird for you to say that with a cheery expression," you muttered. "I think it'd be better if she had emotion whenever she spoke."

"Oh, lighten up, Chibi-chan! Maybe out can help suggest an idea next time!" Your father told you. You sweat dropped.

You had happy, cheerful parents. They were pretty chill with most of the stuff you do, and they don't really get upset unless something terrible happened to you, like when you got injured on the Kyoto trip. Your mother was a kind, nerdy sweetheart who fell in love with my nerdy, 'manly man' of a father who didn't want you to grow up. But you were thankful to have two dorky, nerdy parents who loved you for who you were.

You took your phone out and called Karasuma on it. "Karasuma-sensei, the artillery has arrived. Okaa-sama and otou-sama are gonna drive both me and the machine to class."

"Hai. Arigato, (Y/N)," he thanked you. Before you could hang up, your father grabbed the phone out of your hands.

"Yo, Karasuma! Ogenkidesuka?" He asked him. You heard a slight groan coming from the other side. He'd rather talk to your mother, since she isn't so enthusiastic over a phone call. "Hai, hai, the machine will definitely kill him, no sweat! Also, I sent you a picture of her. Bye-bye!"

He then hung up the phone on Karasuma and handed it to you, which meant that you had to go. One thing bothered you before the three of you had to leave the lab.

"How are we supposed to move the machine?" You asked your parents.

"Oh, that's simple," your father said. He had a remote in his hand, with a couple buttons on it and a joystick. He pressed on of them, and the machine sprouted little legs on the bottom. He then used the joystick to walk up the stairs with ease. He turned his face towards you. "It's like a video game!"


-At the E-Class Building-

"Ah, I haven't been out in a forest in forever," your mother said as she inhaled deeply. "It feels nice to be out here again. Maybe your papa and I can come back when you have your festival here."

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