Chapter 16: The Father

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The baseball and basketball games have passed, with a win and a loss, and everyone in the class had been training for about four months now.

"Predict your target's moves! If you do that, you will block off every last one of his escape routes!" shouted Karasuma, who was watching everyone train.

Everyone has been improving ever since the first day of training. Maehara and Isogai work well together, as well as Karma being very good at using weapons and attacking those with mischief in his eyes. The girls, such as Okano and Kataoka who use gymnastics and momentum, have been using their abilities to help them improve.

Karasuma would help you most of the time. Today, he has been testing some people along with their teamwork.

"Nagisa-kun, Nagisa-kun!" You called out to him while Karasuma wasn't paying attention.

Nagisa turned to you as he was getting ready to train with the others. "Hai, (Y/N)-chan?"

"We should sneak up on Karasuma-sensei while he is dealing with the others! Maybe we can land a hit on him," you said.

"Seems good to me," Nagisa professed.

You got into position. As Yada was attacking your teacher, you and Nagisa snuck up on him when he wasn't looking. It seemed like a good idea.

But that only resulted in the both of you flipping over. You and Nagisa landed, your backs facing the ground.

"Itai..." you heard Nagisa mutter. "(Y/N)-chan, are you okay?"

"H-Hai..." you replied, patting the dirt off your uniform. "What the hell...?"

Karasuma had a surprised look on his face, yet...he look frightened. But when he looked at you, he snapped back into reality.

"S-Sumanai! I put a little too much force into my block," he apologized.

"Don't worry, we're fine," Nagisa reassured him.

"You dummies! You gotta keep an eye on him!" Sugino jested.

"Eheheh..." Nagisa nervously laughed.

You added, "But still, that hurt..."

Karasuma took you by the hand and helped the both of you up.

"Again, I'm sorry for being so hard. Now, I've got to take care of some business," said Karasuma. He walked off towards the E-Class building, leaving the class on the field. The school bell had rung, for the period was over.

"Man, I just can't hit him!" said Sugino.

"Karasuma-sensei has zero openings nor weaknesses," added Isogai.

Kurahashi tried to invite Karasuma into a group for lunch, but by the look of it, he declined.

"Nothing in his private life either," said Mimura.

"It's like there's a wall in between him and us, as if he's keeping his distance..." Okano said.

You spoke up, waving your hands up and down to calm them down, "Hey, he takes good care of us and I'm sure he has his own reasons."

When Karasuma got to the top of the stairs, there was a big man with bags in his hands. He had a chubby look, and slicked-back hair.

"Yo! I'm Takaoka Akira, and starting today, I will be assisting Karasuma!" He greeted everyone. "Yoroshikune, E-Class!"

He slowly walked down the steps to the field and joined you. Takaoka laid a large mat on the ground and began to take things out of the bags. Inside them were cakes, treats, and many types of mouthwatering deserts. They were all carefully laid out onto the mat.

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