Chapter 3: Akabane Karma

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"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight!" The students shouted, swinging their anti-teacher knives back and forth.

"The sounds of exercising reverberating across the field on a sunny peaceful! If the students didn't have weapons, that is," Koro-sensei said. Karasuma and him were standing next to each other, with you in between.

"Wield your knives properly from all eight directions, now," Karasuma informed them. "From now on, I'm in charge of physical education."

"That means I can call you 'Karasuma-sensei' again," you snickered.

Koro-sensei said in a sad voice, "That makes me a little lonely..."

"Didn't I tell you to make yourself scarce during this period? And you have (Y/N) here with you if I don't have to demonstrate anything with the children. Now," Karasuma pointed at the sandbox behind him and said, "go play in the sandbox."

Koro-sensei was sent to the giant sandbox while crying like a child. He told Karasuma that he was cruel, and that the students happened to like his gym classes. Obviously, that wasn't true. Last time, he told the class to jump side-to-side onto three lines on the ground. He then used Mach 20 speed, right off the bat.

"He's just too far out," you heard Rio say.

"I'd like human teachers for gym, thanks." Sugino sighed. Koro-sensei heard it, and began to cry some more.

"Karasuma-sensei is a great teacher. After all, he was the one who taught me," you said. The kids nodded and agreed.

"Alright, let's get back to work," said Karasuma.

"By the way, Karasuma-sensei, is there any point to all this training?" Maehara asked. "Shouldn't we be doing it in front of our target?"

He answered, "It's the same in assassination as in studying: Drill all the basics and they'll serve you well. Isogai-kun, Maehara-kun, step forward."

They stepped forward. Karasuma then slightly pushed you forward, towards the both of them.

"Try hitting (Y/N) with those knives," he ordered them.

"Wait, what?" Isogai was shocked.

"Are you sure?" Maehara asked. The both of them looked at you to make sure it was okay. You nodded your head in approval.

"Those knives won't hurt me. If they give me a scratch, I'd be fine," you told them.

"Uh...well...okay, then."

Isogai started first. He tried to stab you with th knife, but you quickly dodged it. Maehara went next, and did the same thing as Isogai. But you went to his side, and grabbed his arm, pushing him away from you. They tried their best to hit you, but all you did was move out of the way, or you'd either push their arms out of the way. It was easy to read their moves. You saw some of the reactions of the students, and they were surprised.

"As you can see, (Y/N) has enough knowledge to handle the knives of two amateurs," Karasuma informed the class.

Maehara and Isogai were slightly ticked, and they both charged you at the same time. When they stuck their knives out, you grabbed their arms, and judo flipped them both.

"Gomen, Isogai, Maehara," you apologized with a slight snicker. You saw that both of them were embarrassed to be easily beaten by a fellow student, mostly because they were slightly turning red.

"If you can't hit your own fellow classmate, your chance of hitting him at Mach 20 is slim to none," explained Karasuma. "While you three were sparring, he built Osaka Castle in the sandbox, changed clothes, and is brewing up some tea!"

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