Chapter 13: Eye for an Eye

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As revenge for the students humiliating Maehara, Koro-sensei has created a small squad to do the deed the next day.

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When the team had time to research Kaho and Seo, they were both headed to a very good coffee shop. You had to stand somewhere out of sight just to give signals to each squad.

Your job was to signal the groups when to start their jobs. You really wanted to join in, but you got a front row seat in watching one of the best pranks of all time with one of the best team of assassination.

You stood at a corner, leaning against a wall with a hoodie to keep you dry, and you borrowed Sugino's baseball cap to cover your face.

" know some pretty good shops, Kaho," Seo told her.

"Well, their coffee is delicious, after all," she replied with delectation. A dignified smile grew on her face. "This place is managed by one of my daddy's friends, and it is a real treasure for me."

"Talking about it like that..." Seo started, "Have you ever brought that Maehara guy here?"

She panicked, but still answered, shaking her hands in defense, "T-There's no way I would! You're the first one I've brought here!"

Kaho put her hand up against her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh. "So sorry. You had to see my ex-boyfriend behave so shamelessly yesterday...I never knew he was so grotesque."

'Wow...she is so irritating that I could just punch that pretty, little face of hers.'

Seo chuckled. "Well, don't hangout with those E-Class drop-outs."

"Still," he leaned back on his chair, "sitting at an open air café in the rain feels nice. Being in an area where you won't get wet gives you a real sense of that high-class feeling, doesn't it?"

Seo faced Kaho with a cocky grin. "...not like that guy who got soaked yesterday!"

"Kyahaha! That's terrible!" Kaho cried out.

The two of them began to laugh hysterically. They were cracking up, and slightly banging their table, like Seo had said the best joke in the world.

Soon, you saw an elderly couple walking up to the small shop. It was really hard to tell that those two were Nagisa and Kayano in disguise. You chuckled.

"Pardon me, could we please get through here?" Nagisa, in an scratchy old voice, asked Seo. "We would like to sit further in..."

"If you would just pull your leg back a bit..." Kayano told Seo in her best old woman voice.

Seo, who pulled his leg back, looked at them rudely, as if they had both interrupted a very important discussion. He pulled his leg back for them to walk through.

"I'll move it out of the way, sir, if you're coming through. You don't need to be so disagreeable about it," Seo told Nagisa.

Once Nagisa thanked Seo, he and Kayano trudged through towards the seats at the end of the restaurant porch. Seo faced Kaho and had a grin on his face.

"What. The. Hell. Senile old farts shouldn't come to a place like this!" snorted Seo.

"Stop~ they can hear you~~" Kaho told Seo, trying to stile a giggle.

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