Chapter 9: "Inn"-side Look

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"Sorry we're late, min'na-san," Koro-sensei told everyone as the group entered the inn. Karma was still trying to stab him as you entered, but Koro-sensei evaded as always.

All of the students, along with Karasuma and Irina, had green and blue robes on. Karasuma was the first to notice the cuts and bruise on your face, which made him panic a bit.

"What happened to you?!" He asked as he ran over. He placed his hands on your cheeks, deliberately running one of his thumbs under the long cut.

You pushed his hands away and answered, "We ran into some...trouble..."

He closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh of relief. He then told you that he was glad that you were okay, or else that your parents would be so cross with him. Karasuma ruffled your hair and walked away, getting back to work on his computer.

"Saa, let's clean you up, (Y/N)-san," Koro-sensei said.

He used his super speed to wash your face and clean your cut up in an insant. What was left of it was a long bandaid over it.

"Arigatogozaimasu, Koro-sensei," you thanked him, bowing down to him.

"No need to thank me, (Y/N)-san. Karasuma-sensei would be really angry if it wasn't treated right away," Koro-sensei explained. "Now...I must leave to take care of some things with the sniper you hired."

You widened your eyes. "Wait, what一"

You were interrupted by a sonic boom, along with a massive dust cloud. Everyone was coughing and waving their hands in front of them, trying to clear the air. Karasuma had a ticked off expression on his face, which wasn't so good for Koro-sensei.

You turned towards the other groups. "So...he found out about the sniper?"

"...hai. He found out on the first group's attempt," Isogai informed you as he walked up to your group. "Oh, your the only group that needs these."


Isogai held out a bunch of blue and green robes for each of you to take. You grabbed a pair, along with the others.

"Ah, arigato, Isogai," you told him.

" problem." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly as a pink tint appeared on his face, slowly averting his eyes away from you.

You turned around to face your group. Kayano, Kanzaki, and Okuda were going to get changed, along with Nagisa, Sugino, and Karma. You followed the girls into the room that you were going to share. Some other girls decided to follow and chat with the four of you.

"(Y/N), how do you get along with the guys so well?" Kurahashi asked you. The girls leaned in and wanted know as well.

That question surprised you. Sure, you got along with almost everyone in the class, but you didn't think that you were mostly getting along with boys in a different way. " you mean?"

"How do guys get so attached to you?" Kurahashi said.

"Like just earlier! You made Isogai blush in front of us, and he rarely does that!" Yada told you. You entered the giant room to get changed.

"Yeah! When we were training the day Karma joined our class, you were able to make Maehara blush too!" Okano informed you, puffing her cheeks out.

You had a pokerface on. "I'm pretty sure he was embarrased that I beat him in a fight..."

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