Chapter 15: Horibe Itona

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The rain had begun once more. Koro-sensei's head was large and bloated from all the water.

The E-Class was getting another transfer student.

"Ohayo, min'na-san. It's time for homeroom. Please, get in your seats," said Koro-sensei, who's head was very noticeable like last time. He squeezed the water into bucket once more.

"Karasuma-sensei had told me that we are having another transfer student today," announced Koro-sensei.

"Well, I bet that it's going to be another assassin," said Maehara.

"That is true. I got into a little trouble since I took Ritsu too lightly, but," he pointed his tentacle at her, and the students faced her, "I will not be making that same mistake."

Ritsu let out a small giggle.

"Anyways, it'll be nice for you all to have someone by your side."

You faced Ritsu and asked, "Ritsu, has otou-sama or anyone working on you said anything about the transfer student?"

She replied with a yes. Originally, they were supposed to come together. She would handle long-ranged attacks, and he would handle the close-ranged ones. Together, they would drive Koro-sensei into a corner. But those orders were canceled to two reasons.

"One, his adjustments took longer than expected and two, I lacked the capacity to support him. As an assassin, I am overwhelmingly inferior to him," explained Ritsu. "Also, (Y/N)-san..."

She turned to you, and you listened. "(D/N)-sama did not participate in turning him into an assassin. But, he had accidentally mentioned that you were in a close relationship with him. He fears that you would be hurt because of him."

You stayed calm. "I know him? What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know. All I know is--"

The entrance to your classroom had opened. A suspicious person in white robes had walked through. His clothing covered every part of his body.

"What's with that outfit...?" Kataoka questioned.

"Is that the new kid?" Okano added.

The person pointed at Koro-sensei, then closed his hand. When he opened it, a dove appeared with a puff of smoke. The class was a bit shocked. But the person began to speak to all of you.

"Hahaha...gomen, gomen. I didn't mean to startle you," said the person. It was a man's voice coming through the hood. "I'm not the new student. I'm his guardian. You can call me Shiro."

You heard Kayano say, "Some guy dressed in white and does tricks...that's plain creepy!"

"Yeah, not just Koro-sensei either--"

Everyone saw Koro-sensei in his melted, metallic-like form. He was on the top corner of the room, beads of sweat rolling down his head. He was afraid of him.

"Koro-sensei...are you scared?" You questioned him with a blank look on your face.

"He was so scared that he turned into his liquid form, too!" Isogai cried out.

Koro-sensei stammered, "W-Well, Ritsu was telling all these s-scary stories!

He dropped down from the corner and crawled into his clothes. "A-Ah... hajimemashite, Shiro-san...and where is our transfer student?"

"Hajimemashite, Koro-sensei. He's...a unique child, in personality and otherwise. I'll introduce him myself," said Shiro.

He then looked over at Nagisa, then slowly trailed up to you. He was very suspicious, and you got bad vibes from him.

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