Chapter 12: Humid

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A/N: This is from chapters 23-24, Humid Time and Retaliation Time.

It is mainly on Maehara.

Happy Reading!

The rainy season had arrived, and everyone was doing their best not to get drenched and soaked by the falling raindrops.

In the E-Class, on a very, very rainy day.

'It's huge...'

Everyone was looking at one thing, and one thing only.

'It's seriously huge...'

Everyone thought the same thing.

'His head has turned into a giant emoticon!'

Koro-sensei's head was so large, that is was the most noticeable thing in the classroom and was very close to touching the ceiling.

"Koro-sensei, may I ask why your head is 33% larger than usual?" Ritsu asked him.

"It absorbed moisture and swelled up, since the weather is so humid today," answered Koro-sensei.

"THAT'S LIKE UNCOOKED RICE!" The class shouted.

His weakness; any part of his body touching water, such as water vapor and water drops, would swell and collect in his skin.

"I avoided all raindrops on the way to class, but I can't do much about the humidity."

He was wringing out the water from his abnormally, large head, into one of the many buckets that the class placed on the ground. The E-Class building had a leaky ceiling, and the rain would seep through the cracks and through the wood.

"Well, with the state of our building, I guess there is no helping it," said Sugino, leaning backwards on his chair, as a water drop lands on his face.

"I'm jealous of the main building and it's perfect air-conditioning," Kurahashi said. She then noticed something. "Koro-sensei, what is happened to your hat? It looks a bit loose..."

"I'm glad you had asked, Kurahashi-san! It has finally grown..." Koro-sensei takes off the hat. "My hair, that is."

A mushroom.

A mushroom was growing on his head.

You sweat dropped. "That's a mushroom...not hair..."

Koro-sensei plucked the mushroom off of his head, placing his hat back on. He then takes a small bite out of the mushroom.

"Even the rainy season has its benefits. Let's spend the dreary, wet days in high spirits!" He exclaimed as he was eating the fungi.

There was not much that the class do about it. In the rainy season, many people feel lifeless, depressed, or gloomy, in fact. You guessed that's the way it has been, lately.

Later, as you were walking with Sugino, Nagisa, Kayano, and Okano, you noticed someone you knew walking on the other side as the road as the group the rain.

"Isn't that Maehara-kun?" You asked, pointing at him. He was under an umbrella with a girl you didn't know. Her arm was secured under his, as if they were on a date.

"I'm pretty sure the on with him is...Tsuchiya Kaho from C-Class," Okano informed us.

"Oho~ Maehara is as popular as always," Sugino said with a grin.

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