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Everyone knew you weren't a social person; you tend to shy away from large crowds and enjoyed being by yourself. But despite wanting to be alone, you really did want to have a friend, but that was a lot easier said than done. You never really caught anyone's eye, but it wasn't because you weren't pretty. It's just that you were shy and this quiet personality made people easily ignore you and not give a second glance. You once got into a relationship to be left within a week.

You were seated in your local café reading your favorite book, like you always do. You had the routine of visiting this café, working on countless essays, finishing who knows how many worksheets, reading through pages and pages of books, and spending hours surfing the internet as well. It was your home away from home; always sitting in the same booth - the one in the left corner facing the window.

You were here so often that the staff knew who you were, and knew exactly what your preferred drink was, and sometimes gave you your drink on the house. You were quite thankful that no one ever really took your table.

You looked up and saw one of the baristas flirting with a random customer; you looked at her and at times wished you were as confident as her. She could easily talk to other people, and knew how to talk to guys, something that you highly lacked. You knew that she was what guys wanted: confident and beautiful, things that you knew weren't you.

Today nothing was different as you walked into the café, until you noticed...


There at your table, was a guy with brown hair, and streaky blonde highlights. He was looking down at his phone and there was a warm drink on the table. He was dressed in all black, a nerdy look to him, making him stick out in the café. You never really were that attracted to guys, but he was different; something in you made you want to speak to him. There was something about him that drew you to him. And as he finished the contents of his drink, he took one last look at his phone before getting up and leaving. He began walking towards the entrance of the café, where you were, feet glued to the ground. He was more handsome as you looked at him, his hazel eyes and pink puffy lips juxtaposed nicely against his milky skin.

You felt confident for the first time. Maybe being around the flirty barista was finally rubbing off on you, and you smiled softly as you said, "Hello!" to the cute stranger.

He didn't even acknowledge you; he didn't even tilt his head to the sound of your voice. He walked right past you, leaving you with a baffled expression on your face. You turned to watch him as he walked away, not really acknowledging anyone. You were confused; your initial reaction was that he was rude, but as you watched him walk away, he didn't seem rude. It was almost as if he was oblivious to the world around him, almost like he couldn't hear you. But you were probably going through denial. Yeah, you knew you were.

You came back the next day like always, and noticed that your table was empty. Part of you hoped that the cute stranger would be there, because it would give you a second chance to talk to him. But the table was empty just like every day. You went to the cashier and ordered your favorite drink and made your way to your table and pulled out your book and opened it to where you were left off. Page 103 in "The Giver" and you began to read.

You weren't sure how long you were there for since the book grasped all of your attention that you barely noticed the shuffling sounds near you. You didn't really want to see what it was, but whoever it was, was making a lot of noise. You looked up and there he was: the boy from yesterday, the one that totally ignored you. He sat down at your table, because there was nowhere else to sit down. He was looking down at his phone, and being this close you could see that his eyes were so beautiful and had specks of green in the sea of brown, hazel. He also had a cute freckle on his chin that you hadn't noticed and a scar on the bridge of his nose.

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