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"Gracie, do you know when my appointment is for my he-hearing aid?" Grayson asks me, laying his head on my thigh.

"No, i don't know, they've never officially given me a proper date. Maybe i'll call them after this movie is finished," I smile, running my hands through the brown strands of his hair, "are you sleepy?"

"No, i just enjoy being close to you, feeling your warmth," he speaks.

His voice has gotten better. The way he speaks is as if he wasn't deaf at all. His words no longer fumble and trip off of his tongue; his words no longer hesitate to reveal itself, his words just flow like he's spent a lot of time planning his sentences.

I hear soft snores leave Grayson's mouth as I move the flowing hair off of his forehead.

"One sleepy boy," I mumble.

When I wake up, Grayson is no longer sleeping on my lap, instead I wake up to the sight of white sheets and the silence of the house.

It's the next morning and I'm curious as to where Grayson is. Maybe he went to get breakfast, who knows.

Grayson's pov

I follow the same steps me and Gracie took when going to the Doctor to get information about my hearing aid.

I hate that I had to leave her, I wouldn't be there when she woke up; would I scare her. God, I hope not.

As I enter the tall building, I'm greeted with the same lady as before.

"Hello, how may I help you, sir."

"Dr.Venda?" I ask, I try to hide the fumble with my words. I'd hate for the attention to be on me just because I'm a freak.

"Dr.Venda is busy right now, maybe come later," the lady smiles.

"No, no I can't take him now, my meeting just finished," Dr.Venda nods as she grabs the water she was getting and gestured me through the door to her office, "what brings you here Grayson?"

"I wanted to kn-know about my hearing aid," I imply, I started to get nervous. I really don't know why.

"Ahhh, the gift of life," Dr.Venda jokes, "well lets just say that this hearing aid is special and will grant you things you've never experienced before. Like the voice of the woman you love, or the sound of the birds chirping in the morning signaling another day of your life to go."

"So for all of that, the hearing aid; how much will it cost. You never really answered my girlfriends question," I add.

"This hearing aid is one of my best projects, I've gotten many buys, and apparently people love it. These hearing aids are bought by many special schools. The gifted."

I see that Dr.Venda starts using gestures to sign to me.

"This paper talks about the cost and all that you need to know. It's not a lot of money so don't worry about it," Dr.Venda signs as she gives a cheeky smile.

I'm quick to grab the paper and sign it.

Gracie's pov

As soon as Grayson walks through the door, I jump on him, engulfing him in a big hug.

"I missed you so much, I'm not used to you leaving by yourself," I told him.

"Sorry, I ju-just had to go to the doctors office. I wanted to check out the hearing aid and get extra details about it," Grayson smiles.

"And? Anything good?" I ask, eager for the new information.

"She told me to sign a few stuff, that it doesn't cost a lot, and she stated that everything's gonna be okay, and that she's gonna get the hearing aid in about a week."

"I'm so proud of you Gray," I grab his hand, laying my cheek against the warm palm of his hand.


I get up to get a glass of water as the sleepy Grayson snores his life away.

There's a distant ringing sound, and I notice it's my phone.

I walk to the bathroom to get the phone that was left there after my bath. My mom's calling.

"Hello," I speak.

Her voice is shaky, "Emma, your father.. he's gone he's not here anymore. I'm in debt somehow. I don't know what's going on. I thought I had thousands of dollars in my account to pay for his medical treatment and all, but when it came to paying for the one thing that could've cured him or gave him more time, the doctors just stopped. I didn't know what to do when they said there was no more money."

I wanted to cry. My throat was dry.

"Mom, don't lie to me. Please tell me this isn't real. Papa is not dead he can't be. He's a fighter, a-and we had so much money. I mean, all of that was from when I won that contest at college and they gave us 600,000 dollars. I mean, how can that all be gone mom," I sob.

I can't stand up anymore, as I kneel on the marble floor of the bathroom. My sobs bouncing off the walls.

If Grayson could hear me, he would've been here hovering me as he comforted me at this moment.

I couldn't sleep last night. All I could think about was that Grayson signed a paper that had something to do with the money in my bank account. The bank account that me and my mom shared.

"Gracie, yo-your eyes are red. Were you crying?" Grayson asks with sympathy as he reaches to touch my face.

I smack his hand away before getting up and backing away from him.

I point my finger at him, an angry expression on my face, "you didn't read the paper. You've got to be stupid to not read that paper. You're- you're- I hate you! My fathers dead because of you. If you weren't so stupid to be so eager for that hearing aid! I mean, yes I wanted you to get it, but not put my father on the line. You're the reason for all of this, I hate you I hate you I hate you."

Grayson's face changes, his lip quivers as he reaches for my hand.

"Why can't you just leave me alone!" I yell.

Grayson backs away before running out of the room and out of the house. A loud noise taking over the house, the door. Grayson left, and now I can't do anything about it, because I just realized I went to far.

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