Untitled Part 3

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Ikkaku's voice echoed in her head," you had no control and blasted more than half of Captain Ukitake's favorite forest you know."

Carrin shot out from her bed faster than she thought she could, instantly bowing at Captain Ukitake," i'm so sorry, sir!"

There was silence then a slight scuffle next to her, Ikkaku's face coming into view off to the side, his face for once looked amazed, no more of his glare,"Oh. It's a perfect ninety degree angle. Impressive."

Carrin snapped, snatching Ikkaku by his robes pulling him upright with her, staring face to face now, her face scrunched up into her own scowl,"You bastard, i'm in no mood for your shit" she growled.

Ikkaku grinned widely, momentarily reminding her of Pak Taru's evil look, a certain blood lust sparked in his eyes," Oh, is that a challenge, whelp?"

Before she could say something she knew she was going to regret, a pale hand covered hers, making it loosen on her grip, her eyes met with Captain Ukitake's,"Please, don't fight, and as far as the forest, it's all fine, it's a fixable problem i assure you," he said, waving off her worries about the poor clearing she destroyed.

"Now if it is alright with you, would you mind taking a walk with me?"

Carrin swallowed, she could not refuse him," ok," she said, releasing Ikkaku from her grip, turning away from him to reach down and pick up her zanpakuto sheath before turning to pull her sword from the wall. She watched in utter shock as the wall crumbled, as if her sword was its only support and as soon as it left the wall, it all just broke.

Carrin stood frozen as she was now face to face with a crowd of the Fourth Squad that had gathered around her blade on the other side. All of them flabbergasted to see the wall crumble like that, just like her, only she was consumed in guilt.

"I'm so sorry!"

Again she found herself bowing, asking the poor Fourth squad for forgiveness in breaking part of their building, secretly hoping they would not tell their Captain most of all, finding she needed to stop catching all of the captain's attention like she was doing so rapidly.

"Now, now, no one got hurt, it's alright, stand upright Carrin."

She obeyed his request and stood upright, as straight as a pole,"yes sir."

Captain Ukitake sighed,"Relax Carrin, come now, follow me, you need some fresh air, you are far too wound up."

Carrin ended up following Captain out of the fourth squad clinic and out to a familiar spot, leaving her two squad members behind, finding it was much closer than she thought it was to squad four. The trees were still snapped in half for more than a mile out. The damage was far more extensive than she thought, recalling she had not gotten a good look at it when she did it, she ran out of energy too quickly all that was on her mind after that was making it back to her barracks before collapsing.

Carrin swallowed her need to apologize, she knew he would just keep telling her it was fine when it clearly was not.

"What on earth happened," he asked, as if he did not get a good look at the damage either, not noticing how much actually got damaged.

Carrin nibbled on her inner cheek, hanging her head, gripping the sheath of her zanpakuto with white knuckles," Pak wanted to meet me, we trained together for a little, then he suddenly told me to try bankai already, i did not expect it to work so i tried and it happened. At first it looked like my normal shikai, so i tested him out and he just plowed everything down, i did not know the extent of his power and i was careless, if i had not pulled back, i think he would have kept going," she admitted, feeling the shame of losing control like that.

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