Untitled Part 4

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The passed week went on all in the same, her and Kenpachi would meet, he would crush her under his spirit's weight, and thankfully one or both of the boys, Ikkaku and Ayasegawa, would be there to help her at the end.

When ever she would ask them why they stuck around and helped her as much as they were, they would always turn agitated and say something rude like,"We can't leave such an ugly woman on the ground like that," or "You're so useless, it's hard to ignore you when you are so damn weak and puny"

She was starting to see their strange ways of showing their care, they were nothing but rough, but she saw their intentions so she began to not mind as much. Her 'training' was beginning to come around, she was beginning to think she was able to get it this time around. She wanted to stand up to him so she can get stronger and also so she could try out her bankai again. She agreed that this was a strange way of training, but it seemed to be doing her some good, and she also would prefer this kind of training over actually fighting him any damn day of the week.

She stretched out and focused on Kenpachi's pressure, finding it nowhere nearby, instead he seemed to be by the Gate that connected seireitei to the world of the living. Curious, not getting any word of their training being cancelled, she made her way over. He seemed excited, she wasn't sure how she could tell by his signature, but it was like it was flickering and buzzing. She wondered what was going on.

When she got there, she watched shocked, looking onto what was happening from a distance. The gate was opened, and her captain and lieutenant were standing there, staring at it, as if waiting for something to come through, or someone. He just stood there.

"Captain Kenpachi, are we training here today," she had the courage to call out when nothing was happening.

Kenpachi glanced over his shoulder, as if just realizing she was there,"oh? Carrin. Sorry. Today Ichigo is coming, and this time i will fight him again."

Carrin stood there, observing him as he turned and returned his gaze to the gat, completely ignoring her then. He was one strange man, but hey, she then thought, a small break won't be so bad.

Suddenly Ikkaku was at her side, his gaze set intently at the gate," so it's true, he is coming. Too bad Captain found out first. This is the first time he found the gate before Ichigo already passed."

Carrin glanced over at him,"Ichigo, the one who defeated kenpachi before?"

Ikkaku nodded," ever since that day, Captain has waited for his return so he can fight him again. Ichigo got away the last few times he saw him, i'm sure he will not let him slip past him again."

Carrin looked back at kenpachi,"huh," she then said thoughtfully. So it's true, Kenpachi truly did love a great fight. How the hell did he hold back and try training her this past week then, she wondered, having never seen the true violent person others had said he was.

Finally, after a few moments too long, a figure stepped out from the light of the gate.

Carrin gasped when a familiar, orange haired person stepped through the gate. He was just as she remembered; spiky orange hair, huge zanpakuto, red sash across his black kimono, determined brown eyes.

So he was the substitute soul reaper that captain Ukitake spoke so highly of, and he was also the one she remembered from the world of the living.

Ikkaku glanced down at her with his brows raised,"whats with that reaction?"

Carrin cleared her throat," he's the one who sent me to Soul society a few days after i died in the world of the living," she confessed unable to look away. His whole presence screamed power, but he looked calm and confident. She had not realized before how loud his spiritual energy was until this moment.

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