The End

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She wanted to ask, but she stopped her lips from moving as she did her 90-degree bow,"second seat Carrin Blake," she fumbled, unable to get any more than that out.

"Yes, come in, let us talk."

Carrin stiffly straightened her back, walking as calmly as she could to stand in front of the Head-Captain. Her legs shook from nerves and pressure, but the nerves were far worse.

She was surprised she held her own nicely, as far as not kissing the floor went.

"I heard you wanted to speak to me about your last mission, after refusing to disclose information to your own captain," he said, making her swallow the lump in her throat as she sucked it up and forced herself to calm down to speak properly.

"Yes sir, i met with a group of people who said had bad history between them and Soul reapers so i agreed to keep their name and location to myself from as many as i could to hold out that promise although i know very little on the situation," she said giving Kenpachi a nervous glance. He seemed calm, not mad like in the morning.

"Yes, i assume you meant the Free Spirit's clan?"

She was not surprised he knew, but she hoped and prayed to whoever was listening that her being hear was not going to tip off some kind of war," Yes sir. The daughter of the Leader ran off and got lost, i took her back and unexpectedly learned of their people."

"Well, then things will be easier to talk about then since you now already know of them."

Carrin looked up at him confused,"Sir?"

"I trust you have seen what they look like and their unique ability's no?"

Carrin nodded slowly," yes sir," she said, biting off the want to question him, knowing he would eventually explain.

"When you went there, didn't you notice any kind of resemblance?"

Carrin stiffened.

"Im sorry, im not quite grasping what you mean."

"Carrin Blake. Died at the age of 21, 21 years after the Free spirit clan's head notorious healer passed. Carrin Blake, born with the crimson red hair. Born with a very unusual amount of strength and spiritual energy. Born with quick, sharp, and never failing instincts. Born to burn to the ground only to rise again stronger."

Carrin twisted her hands in front of her. She wasn't stupid, she knew exactly what he was implying, however, she did not know the ways of the world, neither the world of the living nor the world of soul society.

"That's impossible," she then argued," the leader told me that they all had zero amounts of Spiritual energy, that makes no sense on what you are implying since i have so much."

Head-Captain nodded,"yes, that is strange indeed, but that could very well be because of one of your parents who could have passed on the unusual amount of spiritual energy."

Carrin thought back to her father. He was a good for nothing man, she just could not imagine him being the cause of it. Her mother, she only had childhood memories of her, she was not sure if it could have been because of her or not.

"Im sorry, im not following."

"Upon learning of your existence, unless we can get things cleared up, i would like to avoid any further conflict with the free spirit clan. If you really are the reincarnation of that clan's healer, than you need to think hard and chose where you would like to be."

Carrin scrunched her brows,"you are telling me to chose between soul reapers and Free Spirits? The answer is clear and obvious, but just out of curiosity, what would you have me do if i chose to represent them? You will kick me out?"

The Rain before the Sunshine Volume 1 (Bleach FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now