Test Day

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Carrin flopped down into her cot, not bothering to change, clean up or even eat. She over did it by practicing with the boys two days straight, not eating or resting until she was content. Having battles with the boys back and forth like that really did help get her used to her right arm a lot more than just boring old training like she had been doing. Given, he still had a long way to go still regaining the same strength she had before, her skills would do her no good if she didn't have the strength to back it up, but she was confident she was on the right track.

Of course, she was watching her back, waiting for the moment when all her progress would be snatched up, it felt no different from her life alive on the run, always cautious and too aware of her surroundings.

She was going to always expect the worst, so she would never be taken by surprize, never shot down by the unexpected.

Was that a way to live a life, not really if you are hoping for peace and serenity, but Carrin had long given up that dream of that life, she had to fight to survive, and she was going to fight up until the very end, no matter what.

"Hey, at least eat before you sleep," Ikkaku would nag.

"Yeah, and change clothes, how can you just sleep in such dirty, sweaty clothes," Ayasegawa would nag next. Day after day it became the same routine that all three quickly fell into.

Yachiru's room became the three of theirs quickly. The boys said they tossed out Carrin's old cot out, or the rather new one she had gotten just days before, because the blood would not come out. Only few of her belongings were recovered, and in the end, she decided to toss them, or give them to someone else if they wanted them because all she could see when she looked at her things was blood, even though there was no more blood on them. She was also, once again, given new kimono uniform, courtesy of Captain Unohana and Lieutenant Isane.

She imagined her tab for repairs was high enough to make millionaires weep, but she was assured she did not have to worry too much since many donated to her cause to help her out a little.

Yeah, everything caught up with her in the end, but she didn't mind. It didn't help that Kenpachi dumped all the damage costs from their training on to her, said it was her fault she could not prevent it. How one was suppose to prevent cratering the ground under such devastating pressure was still a mystery to her, but it was whatever, she had much more important things to deal with than arguing Kenpachi on how unreasonable he was being.

Yachiru and Kenpachi both have not given them permission to stop using lieutenant's room or to be apart yet. She imagined she was going to burden the boys until things settle and she was stable on her feet again. The three of them squeezed in the one room in their own cots. They ate together and trained together. Kenpachi was even able to get all three of them together in small missions, and before either of them could blink, the three months was up.

Carrin was far too busy training to let anything else bother her, which honestly might have been the only thing keeping her from strangling one of the boys. They nagged worst then a mother on any other normal day, but practically living, breathing, eating with them for three months, they nagged day in and day out about the same thing and Carrin was for sure she would kill one of them after the first week of being around them constantly. It was agitating, but even with their nagging, they continued to help her and kept her going with their rough ways, so she was able to think of that as a fair way of making up for their terrible nagging. She owed them too much to even try and grasp, she was going to spend a long time making it up to them, she imagined it was equally rough on them, so she had to bite her tongue and smile no matter what.

Now the three months were up and she had been summoned. She had worked harder than she ever has before to regain what she lost, and then gain much more.

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