Build That Throne, Girl.

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She hurried to her room and locked herself inside, undressing angrily to wash up quickly. The feat was much easier with the arm, even though it was slow. She watched as the water sunk through the cracks, marveled how it was just as he had said, it did not hurt at all or be affected. She had actually expected to be shocked at the least, but after thinking about it, she could not say for sure this thing was made with anything related to electricity. She finished washing and stepped out, patting herself dry before dressing into her night clothes.

She ran her metal hand through her knotted, wet hair, not thinking clearly until her hair got snagged in every nook and cranny of her metal fingers. She stiffened when her hand could not be removed. A string of English curses seeped out of her mouth as she kicked the door open to her room to find a comb as she tried to detangle some of it with her other hand.

She froze mid-step when she saw she had company. Company she honestly had not thought she would see that night.

Ikkaku sat sulking in his normal spot at the table, Ayasegawa had finished placing the food down when he looked up to see her, frozen in her spot, her new metal arm in the air with her hair stuck and snagged in it, her face stuck in a grimace at the pulling.

"That is not Beautiful at all," Ayasegawa said, biting back a laughter.

Ikkaku glanced up, his face was screwed in a scowl, until he saw her situation and burst out laughing, pointing," haha you're stuck aren't you?"

Carrin stepped over to punch Ikkaku hard on the shoulder with her weak hand, at least getting him to shut up his heinous laughter that probably woke the entire population of soul society," Your laugh is ugly, shut up."

Ikkaku tried to bit back his laugh, but he just could not stop, further annoying her.

Carrin rolled her eyes, growling and grumbling under her breath, turning away to look for her comb, hoping it would help get her free.

Suddenly a hand came up, stopping her from her search," we'll help already, your pitiful to look at," Ayasegawa said, turning her to push her into her cushion.

Carrin gave in, knowing two pairs of eyes actually on the problem was better than her blindly pulling and yanking. She was sulking the entire time, letting the two chuckle like hyenas behind her to free her. She was mad, and this situation they had found her in did not help at all, she suddenly resented this new arm.

"What are you two doing here anyways," she finally asked, unsure on how they were going since all she felt was gentle pulls of her hair, she could not feel if the hair was out of her fingers.

"To eat dinner obviously," Ikkaku responded, sounding too chipper.

Annoyed, she threw her elbow back catching him in the side, knowing it was him from the direction his voice had came from,"can you stop laughing already," she growled, before continuing," and plus, i figured after what happened, you two would still be pissed all on your own."

Ayasegawa sighed, pulling her metal arm down, showing her she was now free finally, she reached up with her real hand to try and comb out the mess her hair now was, feeling agitated all over again,"well after you left, it came to my attention that you had not used it that much at all even though it was there to use, you continued to use your right arm like it was not even there."

Carrin shook her head, dropping her arm, slowly curling her metal hand into a fist in her lap," i did try, at least just with my sword, but i couldn't use it. Captain Mayuri said it will take some time for it to move faster, right now it's laggy, it does not move right on thought yet, instead it moves after about a second after thinking it. I don't plan on relying on this arm at all. I still intend on training to use my right arm properly. Like i said, i did not get this because i wanted an easier way out. If anything this just complicated things more, especially since it is pretty useless right now with its slow reaction time," she said as the two took their seats, pulling their own bowels of food in front of them

The Rain before the Sunshine Volume 1 (Bleach FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now