Untitled Part 34

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"Wait, there has been a misunders-"

"Hurry and shackle this soul reaper, have her immediately prosecuted!"

"Wait pappa, this lady helped me get back home!"

All movements and advances towards her stopped when the child yelled over all the commotion. Carrin was frozen stiff in her spot, her hand still on the hilt of her sword, legs apart, still expecting an attack of some kind.

The man who seemed to be Hori's father lowered his own sharpened, thick stone sword," is that so."

Carrin glared, then apologise for your mistake!

But he didn't," stand down,"he called to everyone surrounding, the beasts disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. The man turned to point at Carrin," You, soul reaper, follow me, and keep your zanpakuto sheathed or we will have a problem."

Clearly there is a problem regardless!

However, she kept her lips sealed as she did as she was told, she was obviously in a territory where she had no power, so trying to stay on their good side might be a smart idea.

The man and Hori lead her to a hut like place, it was strange looking and seemed to be made of straw and clay, like she has seen many african natives do in their tribes.

Carrin found herself sitting on the dirt ground in front of the man who now called himself the leader of the Free Spirit's clan.

She hated how everyone in this clan had red hair, the same deep crimson shade as her own.

What the hell was with all these small, but big coincidence!

First with Pak's black sleek fluff and now her red hair! How much more of this had to be a coincidence?

She tried not to think too hard about it as the man sat staring at her, as if noticing the red hair himself,"who are you and how did you find my daughter."

So demanding, she inwardly grimaced as she plastered on a fake smile," my name is Carrin Blake, second seat officer of Squad 11 of the Gotei 13. I was sent on a mission to find the cause of a strange noise just at the edge of the Rokon district where your daughter was found just inside the forest.

"So you really are a soul reaper. We haven't had one of you come around in thousands of years, to think i would see another black uniform out here ever again. I must apologise for my rudeness from earlier than."

Finally getting somewhere,"it is ok, i'm sure since it's been that long it must have been a shock to see another, holding you daughter at that. I was quite frightened and was worried for her safety was all," she explained, smiling inwardly when he nodded in acknowledgement. So he isn't all that hard to deal with after all.

"I see, from what i understand there are no others like us around, and since we stay to ourselves out here, than i imagined many of you younger soul reapers have never seen our clan or our abilities."

Carrin swallowed hard,"Abilities? You mean the animal beasts?"

The man nodded," yes, we possess the ability to manifest a out of this world beast that is part of our souls," he said, an image of Pak uncontrollably popped up, part shark and part bear. Black fur,"we have this ability, yet we possess no kind of spiritual pressure that is used in many ways by a soul reaper. We are untraceable, so we pose a threat to most. Including soul reapers."

Carrin stiffened,"does that mean the few encounters with soul reapers were not favorable ones?"

The man narrowed his eyes, then scoffed," i guess it's only natural for them to never teach their youngins of their dark past full of judgment and mistakes. Yes, the last time i met a soul reaper was to sign a treaty to be left alone in the event we cast ourselves as far away of them as we can. The treaty has long expired, but neither party wished to involve ourselves with each other and kept things how they were, keeping everyone happy.

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