Truths in the Lies.

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Author's beginning blabber:

k so, i feel like this may be the turning point in the story, XD its a much more different approach to how i do things normal so in all honesty im actually quite proud of it XD. anywho, i know i may just be jumping around and there is not a stable, clear, long lasting conflict, but trust me when i say, idk when that will ever happen XD so sorry for the poor build and lack of suspence in this book, i still enjoy writing it so idc much.

enjoy, and leave me some feedback.

She spent the day doing her job, the boys and small group of squad 10 seemed to be laying low, and Takaru as well, for she had not seen any of them on her patrol or her hollow runs. She wondered if the boy's found him yet. She imagined if that were so, she would be kindly told by someone or by alert that the situation was taken care of; or not, who knew, she never been in a situation like this.

Night rolled around quickly and she was blessed with another peaceful night rest, at least five hours in a row, which was more than enough. Her morning started with a horde of small, weak hollows, and by time afternoon hit, she seemingly had no more action for a while.

For being in a city, it was especially quiet, she thought it would be as hectic as the bolstering crowd under her, but it was actually way quieter as far as hollows went.

She stood at the edge of the tallest skyscraper, overlooking the roofs of the other buildings in Tokyo. People walked the sidewalks and streets below her, looking like black masses of microscopic black dots, the cars looked as if they were colourful ants, swerving, stopping, following the lines of the streets. She could not say she particularly missed this part of living. The crowds were killer, traffic was terrible, cabbers were still crazy. More than half of the population on feet were nose down on glowing smartphones, playing games or texting, the other half were actually talking on their phone, via bluetooth and what not. The age of technology had actually changed quite a bit for the few years she was gone, seeing how quickly humans have moved up makes her just completely unable to imagine what the world of technology will look like in another three years.

She examined her soul pager, it had the look of a flip phone, but she had heard that soon it will be remodeled to look more like the touch screens the world of living has. She knew for a fact that they were already made like that now, but only captains and lieutenants seem to have the privilege to use the newer models first until the department of research and development get off their asses and make more for the ones that come to the land of living for the job she was doing.

She had one of those tv movie hero characters moments, marveling at how everyone was walking around, completely oblivious to the dangers of hollows and the existence of soul reapers. They don't know the same fears of those who already died. They don't know that any moment a hollow can suddenly decide that they want to eat living Beings instead of already dead and lingering souls. They just strolled down the street with not a damn care in the world, more worried about who is dating who and what job they should get next. Thinking of what to get their loved ones for birthday's and anniversary's. Normal things. Mundane things.

Carrin reached into her kimono and pulled out the small pouch of hard candy the lieutenant slipped into her hands before sending her off to the world of the living, plopping one of the sweet colourful marble like candy in her mouth, enjoying the small sweet treat.

She felt his spiritual pressure before she heard someone try to hard to sneak up behind her.

Nonchalantly, she reached back with the small bag of candies in her hand, towards her visitor," want some?"

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