Chapter Five - The Blood of the Lamb

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"Mom ? How did you know Kylo Ren ?" Lucas asked at breakfast the next morning .

"We went to high school together" Rey said as she poured some water into her flower vase .

"You didn't seem to happy to see him last night" Lucas said .

"When he left we weren't on the best terms ... Okay ... I have to head off to work ... Stay out of trouble ... You may have your phone but I swear to god Lucas if you do this one more time -"

"I won't mom , love you"

"Love you too " Rey then walked out and got in her car. Rey was the assistant mayor and planned on running for mayor in a couple years , after she turned 35. But she was only 32 and she had time .


Lucas walked into Solo's Hardware . "Hey Mr. Solo ... Need any help today ?" He asked . Lucas would help Han Solo with bringing in the heavy things , since Han's back went out, and in return Han would pay him 10 per hour .

"No , I'm all good today ... Why don't you go next door and see if Leia needs any help" he suggested.

He nodded and walked into the coffee store next door . "Hi Mrs. Solo-"

"Lucas !" She then came out from behind the counter "how are you I haven't seen you in a week "

"I'm good Mrs. Solo... I went to the music festival in the city and it was really cool ... Did you know that Kylo Ren from Knight of Ren grew up here ? Apparently mom and him went to school together but weren't friends " Lucas told her .

"Hmm ... Well ... I have some glasses cups up there , could you get them down for me sweetheart?"

"Of course" and Lucas grabbed the ladder . He climbed up and brought the boxes down .


"Ms. Kenobi you have someone waiting for you in your office" the receptionist said .

"Thank you Janet" Rey opened the door and saw a man sitting in a chair , his red hair was redder than most men in the field.

"Hello sir, I'm Reyhanne Kenobi how may I help you today?"

"Hello , I'm Bradford Huxley... Or Hux ... Im the manger of Knights of Ren have you heard of them ?"

"Yes my son and his friends rather enjoy their music" Rey said , trying to keep a clam face.

"Rather vulgar if you ask me " Hux said . Rey nodded and allowed him to continue . "The Groff theatre down town is beautiful... Sits almost 1,500 people ... How would you all feel about renting the band the space for three weeks while we're in town , film a video , do some live shows"

"Oh I don't know ... This is something you should discuss with the theatre -"

"I have and they said to get approved by you" Hux responded .

"Well... I'm not so sure they're sound is what our town is about ... They're punk rock and all and this town is quiet and quaint -"

"But Kylo Ren went grew up here , it could gain tourists to the town, who will buy anything from Ren's home town"

"I will talk with the mayor and let you know Hux" she then put her hand out . Hux shook it and handed her his card .


"Lucas ? Could you do a deliver to the St. Lin Manuel hotel down town for me ?" Leia asked .

"Sure... What room number ?"

"28 A" Leia handed him the coffee with a lid and bag .

"Got it" he then strapped the food and drink on his bike and rode downtown .

He walked into the hotel with the food and drink in his hand and made his way up to room 28 A.

"Hello ? Deliver from The Coffee Nook" Lucas said into the door .

"It's open !" The voice yelled . He opened the door and brought it to the couch for the guy .

"Here's the tip ... I didn't have change so - hey you're that kid from the concert last night" Kylo said coming from the hall.

"Yeah ... I was just doing a couple delivers for Ms. Organa-Solo" he explained.

"Hey kid I'm sorry about last night how you're mom probably yelled but she was like that in high school -"

"Yeah mom told me that you two went to high school together and weren't exactly friends" Lucas said .

"We were far from friends ... I mean ... How can you be friends with the girl you took to prom and homecoming ? Just friends " Kyo laughed as he went to the kitchen to grab a spoon to stir his coffee with.

"Wait ... You dated my mom ?" Lucas asked .

"Dated ? I was pretty much married to her" Kylo laughed "buts that's all in the past ... You're Marcus right ?"

"Lucas Marcus actually"

"She always liked those two names together" Kylo sighed "I told her if you ever have a son don't make him both Marcus and Lucas "

"That's what my dad said" Lucas said .

"Really ... Who is he ?"

"My dad died before I was born ... When my mom was 17, the summer before she started college -"

"What ? So 15 years ago" Kylo asked , Lucas nodded .
"Geez , she must have stated dating him fast because I left for college and that's when we broke up ... What month did she get pregnant with you in ... September ?"

"August " Lucas said .

"What ? She was seeing me full time I'm August , I didn't leave till August 30th ... So she must have been wrong then -"

Lucas then looked at Ben, that had the same black hair with the slightly curl to fan out , and pale skin that Kylo had. They both had the same shaped eyebrows and a small scar on the top of their left eyebrow.

"What's your blood type ?" Lucas asked .

"Okay you sound like a crazy fangirl kid -"

"What's your blood type ?" He asked again.

"AB why ?" He asked looking at Lucas .

"Mom said dad's was O negative ... But you can't have an O negative and A because those only make A and O not AB , but you're AB and mom's A which can make AB which is what I have so -"

"So you know biology ? Must get that from your father , Rey was horrible at it in high school -"

"So that means that my father must have been AB or B but my father was O negative so my father isn't really my father .... "

"Look kid maybe you're reading -"

"Which means you're my father" Lucas said looking at him.

I actually had to google this shit I hope you're happy with the amount of effort I put into making this realistic .... Also Google had some WERID things pop up for o negative ...

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