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People will judge you whatever you do;
A victim of criticisms I am
Watchful eyes and mocking tongues are ne'er few;
The words of the faultfinders always come!
They take pleasure on the mistakes they see,
Even the smallest blemish they'll notice
They always on your back; you are not free
Comments from everywhere, sometimes, bullies.
Though I live with truth, they believe me not;
A person who's always misunderstood.
I've proven myself and showed them a lot
But I'm still wrong and bad though I do good.
Now, I've chosen a better way to live,
That is to laugh on every negative.
# 1,447
5 June 2016
6:52 p.m.  

(Shakespearean Sonnet)

Verses: The Mirror of My SoulDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora